What causes Cataract?


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  • What causes Cataract?

    In fact, cataract is a cloud of transparent lens. It is not known why the cataract occurs, why one eye is amazed more than another and what needs to be taken to slow down the process of narrowing in lens. Scientists gradually identify factors that can cause cataracts - and information that can help prevent the development of cataracts.

    Facts about Cataract

    The following is known:

    What causes cataract?

    • Changes in lens is a normal age-related process.
    • There is a relationship with certain diseases, such as diabetes.
    • Some drugs stimulate the occurrence of clouds in the lens, for example, a long-term or in large doses, reception of steroid preparations (prednisolone and t. NS.).
    • The occurrence of cataracts may be associated with an eye injury or inflammatory process inside the eye.
    • Some types of radiation contribute to the development of cataracts.
    • Cataract may be congenital.

    Symptoms of Cataract

    • Possible symptoms of cataracts include:
    • Splitness of an image that does not succumb to speaker correction.
    • Change refraction towards myopia. Some patients start reading without glasses.
    • Feeling glare, outbreaks, especially at night. Sensitivity to light, but without pain.
    • The appearance of haloes around light sources, bias.
    • Detergence of color vision.

    Types of cataracts

    There are the following types of cataracts:

    • Nuclear or «Burai», When clouding is localized in the crystal core. Slowly progresses. With its gradual development, the patient can change points towards myopia.
    • Cortical, in which clouding is formed in a lens substance. Patient Feeling Blurry Image.
    • Rebonpsular. Lounge is localized under the rear slider capsule. Vision quickly worsens. Most often develops in a younger age (up to 60 years).

    Many studies suggest that the impact of ultraviolet rays is associated with the development of cataracts, so we recommend wearing sunscreen and hats with wide edges. Other types of radiation can also cause cataract development. Thus, studies conducted in Iceland have shown that the aircraft pilots have the risk of cataracting the risk of cataracts higher than in other people, which may be associated with space radiation. Such a theory suggests the high risk of cataract from cosmic radiation from astronauts.

    Other studies suggest the risk of cataracts in patients with diabetes. There is also the risk of cataracts in patients who take steroids, diuretics and tranquilizers.

    Some ophthalmologists believe that the diet is rich in antioxidants, such as beta-carotene (vitamin A), selenium and vitamins C and E, can prevent the development of cataracts. At the same time, excessive use of salt increases the risk of cataract.

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