Why legs legs


Why legs legs
Foot cramps — Often phenomenon in people of all age groups. Under convulsions are understood by involuntary muscle contractions, which are accompanied by a feeling of pain. They can be weak and strong. Strong attacks can provoke loss of consciousness and acute muscular spasm. Reasons for the appearance of convulsion a lot, starting with improper nutrition and fatigue and ending with serious pathologies threatening life. Basically, the legs are reduced due to a lack of magnesium organism, the level of which depends on the balanced nutrition. The hypomagnemiology accompany the impairment of memory, increased anxiety, pain in the heart and in the abdomen, deterioration of the nail and hair condition, caries and painful menstruation in women. The presence of such symptoms allows us to conclude that the legs are reduced due to lack of magnesium.

In most cases, it reduces the caviar (calf muscle), fingers of legs and a foot. Consider more about the causes of the seizure of the lower limb:

  • lack of potassium, calcium and magnesium;
  • the pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • CPN (chronic renal failure);
  • lack of vitamins of group B, in particular B6;
  • Low blood glucose;
  • high level of estrogen;
  • overload of the lower extremities (excessive running, football, swimming);
  • blood flow disorders in heart failure and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • lack of sleep and constant stress;
  • epilepsy;
  • brain tumor;
  • Spasofilius.

At night, it often drives legs due to uncomfortable posture, excess in the body of caffeine and nicotine.

Why drives legs during pregnancy

Why legs legs
Probably every pregnant woman came across the problem of the seizure of the lower extremities. Lack of magnesium, potassium, calcium, group vitamins B contributes to the appearance of convulsion in pregnant women. These disadvantages are provoked by improper nutrition, violation of the functions of the nearby rock (first trimester), active growth of the fetus (second trimester), the action of diuretics (at the end of pregnancy). Low level of glucose in the blood, lower vein hollow syndrome and chronic venous insufficiency equally bring the appearance of cramps. Convulsive attacks can cause eclampsia — Serious disease, accompanied by a very high arterial pressure, pose a threat to the life of mother and fetus.

Why drives the feet

Children's night crashes — it is not uncommon, especially in the period of growth. In children drives legs when they are long or in the same, or in an inconvenient position. A serious reason for children's convulsion is supercooling, such cases are particularly common in winter. Lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium affects convulsions regardless of age. Flatfoot stands another important reason for the appearance of feet cramps in childhood. Help the feeling of pain will help children's ointments from stretching and with an anesthetic effect.

What to do when drives legs

Correct with sewage legs will help the therapist (pediatrician), neurologist, phlebologist or endocrinologist. For successful treatment, you need to determine the cause of cramps and, if necessary, change your lifestyle for the better. Special attention should be paid to the power, moderate physical exertion, massage of the steps with warming ointment, relaxing baths. Will have to abandon smoking and uncomfortable shoes and start applying multivitamin and mineral complexes.

During the attack of the calf convulsions, you need to pull the sock on yourself, try to like. To improve blood flow, make a light massage and grate (spray) spasmoded muscle. After the attack, you should lie down with raised legs so that the blood is better than rejected.

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