Contact lenses: security rules


It is understandable: Raming is not
interfers, it does not give anything to the bridge, everything is clear, contrast, bright, not
break, do not forget on the table. In them you can walk everywhere, engage
sport, wearing a whole day, you can alternate with glasses, they reduce
Risk of disease progression (myopia) – The advantages of mass. However
lenses – This is still a stranger in the eye and, if not able to
they competently apply, all the advantages can turn into minuses and
manifest in the form of irritation, allergies, infections and inflammation,
Sanding eyes.

Matter of habit

You have a paddle before your eyes after the first day of wearing lenses – This is still not
So they are contraindicated. Most likely you just
overreal and the boldness arose due to insufficient
Oxygen flow to cornea.

Get used to the lenses gradually. IN
The first day wearing them is recommended only an hour, in the second – 1.5
hour in the third – 2 hours. Further, the time of wearing lenses increases on
Half an hour later. How much can we carry lenses during the day – depends
from a particular person and his sensations. Some are wearing 6–8 hours, others
feel beautiful and 15–16 hours.

Optimal option is considered
Wearing lenses for 10–12 hours: during this time you and the main Contact lenses: security rulesWork
Have time to do and eyes do not harm. Maximum is considered time
Wearing contact lenses, after which the patient has fog
Before the eyes, not disappearing after the removal of the lenses for 10–15 minutes.
If you have had such a state at least once, pay attention,
how much time you did not wear lenses without taking off and try,
To more such situations not repeated.

Forget to shoot day wearing lenses before bed to avoid
oxygen deficiency that may occur when closed
centuries after 10–15 minutes.

Refuse from
use lenses if you have inflammation of the eyelids due to allergies,
conjunctivitis, bacterial infection, as well as if enlarged or
Reduced tears and sled material, noncompensated
glaucoma. Submission of lens and squint with an angle of more than 15 degrees –
Also contraindications for lenses.

With blufarite and demodecosis wearing
Contact lenses can be in principle, but if diseases are exacerbated, then
for the time of treatment from lenses will have to refuse. With blufarites I
Symptoms «dry» eye should be cleaned more often and disinfect lenses or
use lenses of one day and artificial tear. With sharp
inflammatory diseases wearing contact lenses also stops
Before healing.

Cleanly see better

lenses brought you only a clear gaze, and not a bunch of problems, they need
Care correctly. Pleasure is the most sophisticated, but save on it
it is forbidden. Solutions, containers need to be changed as often as indicated in
instructions. Otherwise, the lenses can settle unnecessary to you
microbes, mushrooms or some simplests that will first grow
on the lenses themselves, and then go to the eyes.

Defeat cornea,
For example, may be caused by Akantameba – Conventional water inhabitant,
Therefore, not only do not use water for cleaning containers and lenses,
But do not even wear them with wet hands. In general, more than 105 are known
species of mushrooms that theoretically can lead to the development of the disease.

How to avoid problems?

  • right
    pick contact lenses so that they do not cause the permanent
    oral overwork, this can ultimately lead to
    progression of eye diseases;
  • right
    Wear and remove lenses to avoid eye injury. Fakey
    Lens The foreign body can lead to cornea erosion;
  • Try not to scratch the lens nail itself;
  • Wear lenses with good gas permeability, clean and appropriate size so that there is no syndrome «Red eyes»;
  • not
    Use the same solution twice. Do not overgrow lenses over
    specified period to avoid the enemy of the cornea that manifests itself
    Periodic or permanent binding, image blur.
    Long wearing dirty lenses can lead to follicular
    conjunctivitis due to impaired immune response to decay products
    proteins accumulated under contact lens and to syndrome «dry
  • Make your hands thoroughly and wipe them dry every time before dressing and shooting lenses;
  • not
    Use contact lenses during colds and other infectious
    diseases, since during this period there may be complications on the eyes;
  • at
    appearance of redness of the eyes, their irritation, feelings of the foreign body in
    The eye immediately remove the lenses and ask for
    ophthalmologist. In the absence of any complaints anyway
    Be sure to visit an ophthalmologist once a year and check the quality
    in vision.

Choosing lenses
Veclalen: Hard contact lenses of any design with the highest
Oxygen permeability, soft contact lenses of planned replacement,
Traditional soft lenses with a replacement from 6 months and less,
superproof for oxygen silicone hydrogel lenses day or
Continuous wearing with a replacement from 2 weeks to one month.

Basic errors when using lenses

  • Using lenses longer than the time recommended by the doctor;
  • the use of an expired solution;
  • the absence of a daily shift of the disinfectant solution in a container for lenses;
  • An open bottle with a solution left after use;
  • use for flushing containers not a special solution, but simple water;
  • Container change less often than every three months;
  • sleep in lenses not intended for round-the-clock wearing;
  • Neakkurat handling of lenses, damaging their surface;
  • Using contact lenses in the presence of inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blufarites) in the aggravation stage.

All of the above applies to cosmetic lenses.

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