How to protect the child from school myopic?


  • The first time in first class
  • How to help eyes?
  • What to do if the vision has worsened?

  • The first time in first class

    Your child is first time in the first class, having
    good eyesight and healthy eyes. Asks: who carries
    responsibility for the eleven school years after his eyes
    remained the same tormented? The answer to this question is extremely simple and
    Laconic: nobody. School teacher - this main supplier of visual
    and mental overload - in no way must take care of
    Your child's health. As for the ophthalmologist from the district
    Polyclinics, then to the reception of your child a smooth account 6
    minutes (these are official norms). In addition, as you know, visit
    Doctor - the procedure is not pleasant, so the doctor usually appeal
    Only when the disease is already being launched, irreversible.

    Not half of school graduates in one degree or another suffers
    myopia, but not at all because it is so difficult to protect children from
    myopia, but because no one is engaged in this smooth account.
    Probably not the last role here plays a comma,
    that myopia is so, nonsense - only glasses on the nose, sort of
    innocuous cosmetic defect with which you can easily get along.

    How to protect the child from school myopic?
    Meanwhile, myopia is not a harmless thing at all, and everyone
    a short man knows this very well. Just suffering he
    exposed - not from those that are considered to discuss loudly on people.
    What is just worth the shock that is experiencing a child when he learns that
    From now on, he is a glasses! In children's teams, the morals are simple and rough.
    Cooks there - the creatures of the lower variety, like this adult or not.
    Myopia causes a catastrophic blow to self-esteem, contributes
    closets, care. In addition, myopia leads to cutting
    loss of working capacity - up to the fact that for each read
    Book, every few hours spent at the computer,
    have to pay headaches and further worsening

    Take a look at our public elite, take a look at the presides
    other states! Are there many short-sighted people? Yes there are almost
    No! Even among scientists - the laureates of the Nobel Prize they are not so
    often found. Myopia is a very serious obstacle to
    big career to whatever the field of human activity
    treated. Internal «powder» Music people usually grabs only
    to conscientiously fulfill other people's orders. Of them
    Good librarians and programmers are obtained (albeit from books and from
    computers they sob's eyes).

    I think that only deep inner despair makes people
    go to extreme measure - on laser vision correction. Although advertising
    purposes this procedure is often called «Treatment», No relation to K
    It does not have the improvement of the eye. Patient just cut a piece of cornea,
    segged from it a suitable lens and again admitted back. Meaning
    all this risky operation pure cosmetic. It consists only
    that lens becomes invisible from. However, it is unlikely that
    will help an adult to significantly raise self-esteem, because his
    The character has long been formed and established - and children of such operations,
    Thank God, until you do.

    At the same time, to protect yourself from myopia from the very beginning - the case
    Technically simple and not requiring big knowledge in ophthalmology.
    Myopia is, essentially, the pathological deformation of the eye
    Apple. What exactly causes such deformation - this ophthalmologists
    and do not know. Only one thing is clear: myopia does not occur in
    Single. First, the so-called accommodation spasm arises. In glaze
    There is a special accommodation muscle responsible for guidance on
    sharpness. When it is relaxed, the eye is configured to vision in the distance. When
    She is tense, the eye is rebuilt to work near. Such
    Remunition occurs automatically, without a volitional participation of a person.

    Long overvoltage of accommodative muscle leads to its spasm
    - to the fact that she can no longer relax. Consequently,
    The vision of the distance is worsening. But this is not my homeland in the full sense
    of this word because the eyeball remains - while! -
    non-deformed. Only if you do not pay attention to spasm
    accommodation and continue to stubbornly load the eyes with work near, then
    A few weeks later or even months will begin to occur
    irreversible changes and reuse true myopia. (Yes, forgive
    I am specialists-ophthalmologists marginal simplification of presentation. Essence
    affairs from this simplification does not change.)

    As long as the spasm did not go, still you can fix. Costs
    Remove spasm - and normal vision will fully restore. If this
    the moment to be at the reception at the conscientious eyepiece, it will not be
    write out points, and appoint an atropinization rate. Atropine is poison
    nervous paralytic action blocking nervous transmission
    pulses from the brain to the accommodation muscle. Thus, the muscle is like
    Receives rest and over time again acquires the ability to relax.
    (Recently, other drugs have appeared in addition to Atropin
    similar action.)

    From here, it seems obviously a simple program of action for
    Guaranteed prevention of myopia. Need only
    to regularly check the vision of schoolchildren, to identify the accompliance spasm and
    Immediately eliminate it. The whole question is how often to spend
    Such checks.

    According to the official recommendation, it should be checked at an oculist
    once a year. It is not difficult to understand where such a figure came from. She
    designed based on those budget funds that are allocated to
    Health of the population. To the eyepiece you need to walk exactly once a year
    because it is already overloaded with work and take you more often
    still not can.

    Myopia is developing according to its laws, in no way associated with
    budget funds. For one year, the accementary spasm fully has time
    reborn into the pathological deformation of the eyeball, and turn
    This process is already impossible to reverse.

    How to help eyes?

    The way out of this situation is very simple. Parents may themselves become
    a little bit of the eyepieces and learn to the hard art of testing vision
    Children. Actually, there is nothing to study here. Anyone who at least once visited
    At the reception at the eyepiece, knows how it is done. This is required
    have a checkpoint. Once it was a big deficit, and
    Now it can be free to buy in the medical equipment store or take in
    It must be hanging on the wall and lightly light. Man with one hundred percent
    vision is able to clearly see the tenth line of the table from the distance
    Five meters. Check is carried out for each eye separately,
    At the same time, another eye can be covered, for example, palm, folded «Boat».

    However, nothing mystical in this table is not. It is considered,
    that eye with sharpness of view one hundred percent is able to see separately two
    Remote Points, if the rays spent from the eye to these points,
    form an angle in one sixtieth degree. Not difficult
    calculate that if the points are removed from the eye for five meters, then
    The distance between them should be 1,45 mm. That is what is
    gap between letters «NS» and «B» in the tenth line of verification
    Tables. The letters themselves turn out five times more, t.E. about seven
    millimeters. Therefore, in fact, the table is not needed. Vision
    can be monitored by letters written by a marker from hand, with
    Conditions that they have approximately the right dimensions.

    If we are not talking about first-grade kids, and older children and
    Consciously, they can be addicted to check their eyesight
    on one's own. Such a check lasts literally a few
    Seconds. Just a child must make sure that every eye in
    separately it is able to clearly distinguish three vertical sticks in the letter «NS» and three horizontal sticks in the letter «B» (acuteness of vision by
    vertical and horizontally can be, generally speaking, unequal).

    How to protect the child from school myopic?
    Obviously, this is not at all the procedure that certainly
    Requires the participation of a graduate oculist doctor and which
    wait for a whole year. How often it makes sense to spend it? By
    my deep conviction, it should be done every day. Spasm
    accommodation should be detected almost immediately as soon as he originated.
    Then and get rid of it will not be a lot of work. We just need to give
    Eyes rest, and spasm will pass by itself.

    I suspect that in this place the reader may arise
    bewilderment: really everything is so incredible just? After all, hundreds of millions
    people on the planet are tormented from myopia, and here, suddenly it turns out,
    that these torments can be so easy to prevent!

    Perhaps here I have to make one reservation. If we consider
    exclusively «Technical» side of the case, then - yes, everything is very easy
    and just. However, if the social component is also taken into account,
    then the difficulties appear. I love to spend parallel between
    Myopia and alcoholism. After all, alcoholism is also heavy
    incurable disease, which, with a purely technical point of view,
    fantastically easy to avoid. For this, just do not need to drink
    Alcoholic beverages. But try to convince people not to drink! Also S
    Myopia: One thing to specify an easy way to protect it, and
    Other - to introduce this method in the culture of human behavior
    (as it once happened with the washing of the hands and cleaning of the teeth).

    So far we are talking about things in principle. Below are some «Technical» details.

    Many parents teach children to read books and plant them for
    computer even before it comes to lead them to school.
    At the same time, it would not be necessary to take measures against
    Myopia. However, kids-preschoolers (as, however, first grades) -
    The people are still unconscious: they are unlikely to be able without any assistance
    punctantly monitor. We have to make parents
    control checks themselves - as ophthalmologists do with their
    patients, that is, show the letters and ask them to call.

    The problem here is that the test table is very
    will quickly be learned by heart. Therefore, check vision from preschoolers
    (and younger schoolchildren) should not be on the table, but on cards, on
    which are written the same letters. These cards are presented all
    once in random order, so the control will be carried out precisely
    for vision, and not for memory.

    However, it should be borne in mind that familiar objects are recognized
    much easier than unusual. Even when the child sees the letter instead of the letter
    some vague cloud, it is already in appearance of this cloud often
    will be able to correctly call the letter. So if with everyday check it
    from five meters correctly recognizes the letter of the standard size (as in
    the tenth line of the test table), then this does not guarantee that
    His 100% vision. For greater confidence, you must either reduce
    Size of control letters, or increase the distance to them. Nic
    official standards for this case, of course, is not provided, so here
    have to rely on your own flair.

    What to do if the vision has worsened?

    100% vision - the concept is very conditional. IN
    reality, most people with healthy eyes see better than on
    one hundred percent. The size of the letters and the distance to them must be selected
    So that the letters are hardly distinguishable. If in a child
    There was always a vision of two hundred percent (that is, he distinguished the letters that
    two times less than it is necessary), and suddenly his eyesight fell to
    one hundred percent, then this is already a foundation in order to take action.

    Impairment of vision, if it happened, does not gradually happen, but
    jump (spasm either there or it is not). With regular checks not
    notice this jump is impossible. But, let's say, the trouble is still
    occurred. Yesterday the child called all the letters correctly, and today
    confused and makes a lot of errors. What in this case do?

    Initially, it makes sense to find out what kind of child has led to
    Overvoltage eye. Maybe he «Peresosa» behind lessons or too
    I really read some book? Does not give yourself a felt spasm
    some special pain in the eyes? Such things are good
    track immediately to prevent them again in the future.

    Next, for the coming days, the eyes need to just provide rest - right
    before you free the child from all homework and not let
    His school. But you can do some special exercises.

    First of all, by itself the procedure for checking vision on cards
    It is very helpful to bring the eye to normal - after all, it is very powerful
    Activiates vision in the distance. Just now read reading
    cards need not two or three minutes, like with routine control, and at least
    minutes fifteen to twenty. «Unconscious» Kids still have
    additionally stimulate - for example, you can not write that they can not
    will look more TV, until they can call correctly
    All letters.

    How to protect the child from school myopic?
    As for the children of older and more consciously, their attention can be
    Turn to the next curious thing. It turns out that remote items
    become visible worse not because the image breaks like in
    defocused camera, and because it is bothering. This effect
    bows are quite weak and usually not striking, but it is easy
    watch if you look at some very contrasting subject -
    For example, on a bright sickle of the moon against the night sky.

    We have at home as such a very contrasting subject
    Glowing numbers on the board of a video recorder (when in the room dark). I
    I give children about such instructions: «Stand about meter from
    VCR and stick one eye palm. Look at luminous
    Figures and go slowly back. First, the numbers will be visible
    absolutely clearly, but at some point from the main image as if
    There is another one - a larger, similar to the shadow; Only this shadow
    not dark and light. Here stop and look better. Turn
    Attention that the shadow does not stand still. Sometimes she moves further from
    the main image, and sometimes - moves closer. This process
    You can seem to manage consciously. Some effort will be this
    shadow and right to place - merge with the main image, let
    Even a couple of seconds».

    In this, in fact, the exercise is to catch «shadow» from
    contrasting objects and try «Enter» Its back. At first it
    will be given hard and briefly, but over time it will be
    everything is easier and easier while «shadow» will not cease to appear at all.

    Timely identified spasm is removed without any problems, so that the visit to the oculist is most likely not required.

    In conclusion, I will mention how you can install,
    Does your child enters the risk group in myopia. For this it is necessary
    just measure at what minimum distance it is capable of clear
    see each eye separately. If this distance is in
    10 cm limits, then this means that accommodation muscle is enough
    Strong, and when reading a book at a distance of 30 cm it will not
    overvolt (this, however, in no way means that eyes
    You can raptily rape). If this distance exceeds 10 cm,
    should be special vigilance. However, accommodation
    muscle, like any other, can «pump». Exercise for pumping
    Accommodation muscle is to translate a look with
    which is a distant subject to near and back with periodicity in
    few seconds.

    Let our children never recognize what myopia is!

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