Phytolysin, instructions for use

Stones in the kidneys, infections of the urinary system, edema - these problems are worried about many. In such cases, you must try to use the healing herbs for the treatment. But what to do if there is no time to brew informations, cooking tinctures? Then can help finished phytolysin phytopreparation.

Total Medicine Information

This combined medicinal phytopreparation is available in Poland. This is a pasta for receiving inside, which is pre-divorced in ordinary water to form a suspension. Therefore, do not be surprised when you see a tube containing 100 grams of pasta having dark green (sometimes a little brownish) color and specific smell. Store a tube in a cool place at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees. Use phytoline quickly and simply, because it will not be necessary to seek herbs, make up therapeutic fees, making decoctions, infusions, tincture. It is easy to dose, you can take with you to work on a trip.

Natural Composition and Medical Properties

Stones in the kidneys, medicine, urinary system, phytolysin

Once in the body, phytolysin is able to show the following actions:

  • diuretic (diuretic);
  • antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic, anesthetic;
  • reduces the crystallization of urine mineral compounds;
  • promotes removal «sand» and small stones (concrections) from the kidneys, bladder, prevents their new formation and growth.

And all this thanks to a well-selected composition. What is included in the drug?

Condensed extracts from the following plants:

  • Herbs of a bird hill, famous called «Speat», manifesting anti-inflammatory, diuretic, clogging;
  • Birch leaves showing their antimicrobial, diuretic, anti-voice properties that prevent the occurrence of stones in kidney tissues;
  • Hranks of horsetail with diuretic and hemostatic properties;
  • The root of dusty, providing antimicrobial properties and normalizing exchange processes;
  • Parsley fruits (seeds), with diuretic properties that increases muscle tone, lining the walls of the bladder;
  • onion husk (diuretic action);
  • Golden herbs, endowed with antimicrobial and immunostimulating properties;
  • Family root (diuretic action);
  • Parsley leaves showing a disinfecting and soothing effect;
  • seed fenugreek (soothing effect);
  • Hergish herbs (anti-inflammatory action).

There are in this complex and essential oils: sage, pine, mint, orange.

As auxiliary substances: Water, Wheat starch, Agar-Agar, Ethylpagidroxybenzoate, Vanillin, glycerol.

Such a large complex destroys, softens the stones existing in the kidneys, so they are facilitated by their excretion from the body.

When phytolizin is recommended?

Stones in the kidneys, medicine, urinary system, phytolysin

Before accepting phytolysin, you need to make a suspension from it. To do this, you will need 100 ml of warm boiled water. It is advisable to add a little honey or sugar to it. Now dissolve 1 teaspoon of phytolizin paste (this is a dose for adults and adolescents whose age is more than 15 years old). Having a drink such a means after eating, the number of techniques from three to four. The question of the duration of treatment is solved only by the doctor. On average, treatment takes from 2 to 6 weeks. After a while, repeated course is possible.

During the course of treatment, it should be excluded from its diet of pickup salts, marinades, any conservation, smoked, alcohol. Per day you need to drink about two liters of liquid. If you have side effects, we need to stop the phytolizin and inform the doctor.

This pediatrician medicine is often prescribed to small children, even babies, although special research on small children has been conducted. No information about complications. Parents should strictly observe the dosage that the pediatrician installed. The duration of treatment also defines a specialist. Usually, the dose for the preparation of the suspension ranges from one fourth to halves of a teaspoon. It's enough to give such a medicine to the child three times.

Very often in pregnant women develop different infections in the kidneys or urinary tract. Statistics report that approximately 30% of future mothers suffer by pyelonephritis or cystitis. Of course, such infections should be treated immediately so that they cannot cause fetus and complications. But many drugs during pregnancy are contraindicated, so doctors prescribe female phytolysin vegetable preparation in such cases. It helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate ethics, occurring when entering the fetus.

How phytolizin interacts with other medicines?

Stones in the kidneys, medicine, urinary system, phytolysin

This drug can be applied with antimicrobial means.

Since the drug has a pronounced diuretic effect, it should be remembered that it can accelerate the elimination of other funds from the body simultaneously used with it.

Pasta phytolysin can enhance the effect of admission:

  1. Anticoagulants (these means reduce blood intake).
  2. NSPIDs (this group includes nimesil, diclofenak, mowed, Ibuprofen).
  3. MAO inhibitors (abbreviated monoaminoxidase name), for example, nialamide, pyrazidol, metraldldol.
  4. Sugar-based funds.
  5. Lithium preparations.

Phytolizin sometimes reduces the absorption of some drugs in the small intestine, for example, vitamin E, and.

Unusual use of phytolysin for hair

Stones in the kidneys, medicine, urinary system, phytolysin

A paste can be applied not only inside, it can help and with hair loss. The soft mass of the tube should be applied on the roots of the hair, then wear a special hat or plastic bag. Watch your head with a fluffy towel. Hair rehabilitation procedure lasts about 3 hours (or a little longer). In the first minutes there may be a feeling «chill», But then it disappears imperceptibly. After your head, well rinse. Herbal aroma from the hair can persist for a while. Such «Mask» enough to do once a week, gradually you will notice that the hair becomes thick and obedient.

Phytolizin is released from pharmacy institutions without a doctor's prescription. But when problems with the kidneys, other bodies of urinary necessarily contact the nephrologist. Sometimes there are patients who are forced to abandon the admission of phytolizin paste, as it does not carry the taste of the taste of the suspension when stirring. Then the nephrologist can replace this tool with other drugs similar in action, for example, Kanefron, Uriazan, Cisteneal, Phytolite.

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