Honey for eye


  • Honey procedure
  • Taking honey inside
  • Honey drops
  • Honey baths
  • Honey Children

  • Honey procedure

    Honey for eye

    The best honey for view – lime. First, lime honey universal. It comes out to everyone, and there is practically no allergy. Second, Lipa – Very good vasodilator.

    Before you start honey procedures, you can check if this honey will cause you irritation. For this, a small amount of honey apply to the neck of the neck behind the ear. And leave for 10–15 minutes. If for 15–20 minutes you did not feel any itch, irritation did not appear, it means that everything is fine.

    This honey you can use. If the honey caused some irritation with you, it means that he does not fit you. Need to take a floral or buckwheat. So you can check all honey and find your.

    Taking honey inside

    For women, very good to drink honey in the morning on an empty stomach. How to do it?

    In the mouth there should be a natural microflora. So in the morning do not even rinse your mouth. For 10–15 minutes before cleaning the teeth need slowly, resorption, eat one tablespoon of lime honey.

    The same procedure can be done immediately before bedtime. Take a tablespoon of lime honey. And in small portions slowly slowly swallow.

    This procedure – Good prevention of eye disease. Strengthens vessel walls, improves eyesight. Serves as a rigging aumed. Drink honey needed within two weeks. Then take a break for two weeks. Usually the result from two to three such courses is preserved half a year.

    Honey drops

    With pain in the eyes, cataract, lifts, when inflammatory processes, the eye shell helps a lot of honey. Honey forms a protective film that relaxes the eye muscles. And they don't get tired. This recipe suits people whose work is associated with constant eye voltage. It may be to work on a computer or such that you need to read a lot and write.

    How to do? We must necessarily natural liquid honey that has not yet crystallized. And pure spring or well water. In no case from under the tap and not boiled. One drop of liquid honey mix with 10 drops of water (1:10).

    We stir and get a lot you need to bury once a day in the morning. This will help protect your eyes from fatigue throughout the day. The procedure also repeat two weeks, then we take a break.

    Honey baths

    Honey as a nutrient element for view can act through the skin. To do this, it is very useful to make baths. We put on the tips of the fingers of the lime honey and rub the cervical and collar zone. Rubbing can be done for 5–7 minutes before redness. Then we again apply honey and repeat the procedure two or three times until honey absorbs. If this zone absorbs, it means that there are not enough nutrient elements.

    When honey is no longer absorbed, cooking a warm bath. Not hot and 35–40 degrees so that you can endure, but do not burn. Lay in the bath for 10–15 minutes.

    We repeat the procedure twice a week. It has favorably affects the lens of the eye, it gets food, the vision improves.

    Honey children

    All listed procedures will be useful and schoolchildren. They have eye muscles constantly tense due to increased attention in school, when performing homework, during computer games. Therefore, medical – it is useful, natural and, most importantly, harmless tool, which helps protect and save the vision to everyone who learns.

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