Amberopia is a very common disease that has broken down several myths. And what, you will learn from this article.
What is ambopia
Amberopia is a functional, that is, a reversible decrease in visual acuity. In case of ambiance, the main changes occur in the brain - in the field of visual cortex, as a result of the fact that a distorted visual information is received in the child's brain from the eye, or if the flow of this information is dramatically limited. As a consequence - the development and improvement of neurons responsible for vision is inhibited and therefore even when eliminating all the reasons that led to ambiopia, vision remains low. Ambourcia often develops with diseases such as squint, hyperopia, astigmatism, nystagm, cataract, corneal clouds. A child with amblyopia should be under the supervision of a doctor as long as he continues growth and development. Only in this case can be achieved high vision without glasses.
Glasses is forever. In many cases, amblyopia, with properly conducting a child, it is possible to save it from constant glacier dependence. With high degrees of hypertropy or astigmatism after the excipon cure, it is possible to use an excimer-laser correction that makes it possible to completely rid a child from glasses.
- Glasses Laser Vizhn. Recently, the so-called polydiaphragmal glasses have appeared on sale «in hole». With their regular use, manufacturers promise rapid cure from any eye diseases. For example, at myopia glasses in «hole» Just create better conditions for view, by increasing the depth of optical focus. The same effect is achieved when squinting. With depreciation and astigmatism in Laser-VIZHN glasses, it is possible to improve the quality of vision, but this improvement is not confirmed by apparent and scientific research. In case of ambiance, these glasses do not have any effect, t.To. Changes develop in cerebral cortex. They do not bring harm, patients lose only precious time and do not conduct real treatment.
- Preparations with blueberries. As a rule, all appointed «Blueberry tablets» are food additives and are multivitamin sets. However, unlike real medicinal polyvitamin drugs, nutritional supplements are not allowed for use in clinical practice by the Pharmaceutical Committee of Russia, but only the permission of the Ministry of Health. This means that full-scale clinical trials of these drugs, especially in children, was not conducted. Therefore, it is better not to use these drugs in children's ophthalmology.
Treat and the sooner - the better
Since there is a serious impact on the child's vision, it has a serious impact on the formation of the whole visual system of the child. Therefore, treatment should be started as early as possible to prevent a significant reduction in visual acuity. Since the visual system of the child is in constant development, in young children, all applicable treatment methods are more efficient. Older children require a much larger time to improve visual functions, and in some cases, it cannot achieve complete recovery.
With amblyopia, children have vision, it has a serious impact on the formation of the entire visual system. Treatment should be started as early as possible to prevent a significant reduction in visual acuity. Since the visual system of the child is in constant development, in young children, all applicable treatment methods are more efficient. For older children, much longer time is required to improve visual functions and, in some cases, it is not always possible to achieve complete recovery.