In the first years of the child's life, a full-fledged intake of iodine in the body. How to fill the lack of this trace element tells the endocrinologist, d.M.N., Professor, Academician of the RAM, Director of the Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, Vice-Chairman of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists.BUT. Melnichenko.
Endocrinologist, D.M.N., Professor, Academician RAMS, Director of the Institute
Clinical Endocrinology, Vice-Chairman
Russian Association of Endocrinologists.BUT. Melnichenko.
Interview for the magazine for parents of young children and adolescents

In the region of iodine deficiency, it is recommended to use the drugs of iodine (100 μg per day) to children up to 2 years, not on breastfeeding. When breastfeeding, additional reception of iodine preparations are recommended mother (250 μg per day).
In the first years of life, insufficient iodine consumption worsens intellectual and physical development (the child lags behind the peers in terms of motor and mental development, it is later beginning to walk and speak, in the future he has bad indicators of school academic performance), at an older age — contributes to the formation of diffuse goiter, and in perspective — nodal zoba.
Can I be guaranteed to fill iodine deficiency using nutrition or special products for a child?
If you live in the iodine deficit region, you can hardly succeed.
To replenish the daily need for iodine, the child up to three years needs to consume salts more than is required at this age, so iodine reception is needed. If a child is on breastfeeding, iodide should be obtained nursing mom if the child is on artificial feeding, then iodine preparations most often should be obtained. After two or three years, the child is usually powered by a common table and can get enough iodine with food, which must be prepared on iodized salt.
Tell me, in what situations and at what age the child needs to additionally take the drugs iodine?
Additional reception of iodine drugs are needed as a preventive event to all children up to three years, not on breastfeeding; and after three years — In the presence of an increased thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency.
No and there can be no danger in physiological doses of iodine. Contraindications for receiving the required amount of iodine no. For children under 5 years — It is 90 μg / day, for children aged 5-12 years — it's 120 μg / day, for children over 12 years — 150 μg / day.
What to navigate when choosing iodine?When choosing a drug of iodine, it is necessary to focus on the amount of this trace element in the tablet (we are talking about iodine micrograms), as well as for the presence of a serious medical evidence based on it.