Acute and chronic iridocyclite


  • Diagnosis - «Iridocyclit»
  • Acute iridocyclite
  • Chronic iridocyclite

  • Diagnosis - «Iridocyclit»

    Term «Iridocyclit» means inflammation of the iris and ciliary body. Anatomically iris and ciliary body are departments of the vascular shell of the eye, so both structures are involved in the vast majority of cases. However, with an isolated damage to the iris and the ciliary body, they say, respectively, about Irite and cyclite.
    The reason for the inflammation of the front sections of the vascular shell most often remains unknown, but may be caused by some common inflammatory diseases of the body, infection, eye operations or injury.

    Iridocyclite may affect both one and both eyes. There are two forms of iridocyclitis - acute and chronic.

    Acute iridocyclite

    Acute and chronic iridocycliteAcute iridocyclite is characterized by the following symptoms:
    • Strong pain in the eye;
    • photophobia;
    • tear;
    • headache.

    The widespread redness of the opaque shell of the eye around the cornea with a purple tint, color change and stainedness of the image of the iris, narrowing and deformation of the pupil, the poor reaction to the light.

    In severe cases, the winding in the vitreous body is determined. Disease long, with relapses.

    Influenza iridocyclitis occurs and proceeds acutely, painful syndrome is negligible. The process of developing disorders is manifested in a sharp inflammatory reaction, the appearance of serous fluid, the deposition of inflammatory substances in the form of small points on the back surface of the horny shell. Quickly appear sprouts of the pupil edge of the iris with the front capsule of the lens in the form of separate pigment points.

    Over time, as a result of increasing the permeability of the vessels of the ciliary body in a vitreous body, gentle clouds are formed. The outcome of the process is favorable, but relapses are possible. More often amazed one eye.

    Rheumatic iridocyclite begins acutely and rapidly flows. There is a hemorrhage into the front chamber, as well as under the conjunctival, there is a sharp mixed injection of the eyeball. Excudation has a gelatinous nature, minor, but numerous pigment points arise. The vitreous body is rarely involved in the pathological process. Both eyes are affected. The disease occurs in the fall and in the spring, coincides with rheumatism relapses.

    Iridocyclitis in collagen diseases. The most studied is iridocyclite with infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Eye defeat arises suddenly, the flow of it is sluggish. The earliest signs are small deposits of inflammatory substances on the back surface of the horny shell in the inner and outer corner. In the future, tanning and multiple dry deposits appear on the back surface of the horny shell, as well as gentle tanning lounges in deep layers of the horny shell in the internal and external limb.

    In the future, on the horn shell, tanning and multiple cloues are rude, capture the cornea throughout the eye slit. Pupil and vitreous bodies may be observed. The secondary cataract develops. Both eyes are amazed more often.

    Chronic iridocyclite

    Chronic iridocyclites are characterized by sluggish recurrent flow, there are slight pain, some redness, rude spikes of iris with lens, deposition of fluid in a vitreous body, eyeball atrophy.

    A large role in the development of chronic iridocyclites is played:
    • Virus is a simple herpes;
    • tuberculosis;
    • Penetrating eyes.

    The tuberculosis iridocyclite has a sluggish course, it appears gradually, characterized by the appearance of new vessels in the iris, which are sometimes suitable and surrounded by single or multiple tuberculosis tuberculos.
    More often amazed one eye.

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