Cultural treatment


    Principles of treatment of space

    • Cultural treatmentCreating a favorable «Climate» For the development of normal, coordinated vision, two eyes (prevention of infectious diseases, the strengthening of the child's health, the fulfillment of the mode of visual work, a reasonable device of furniture, the correct illumination of the workplace, good quality toys, books, etc.).
    • Correction of AMETROPII (myopia or hyperopia) with glasses. Under the influence of this correction, the squint disappears, and also does not develop a lazy eye syndrome, when the junning eye bothers without load.
    • Treatment of lazy eye syndrome. One of the most common treatment methods is to turn off from the act of vision better than a seen eye, while sticking one glass in glasses or create a flap on a healthy eye. Thus, the load on the crese, blind eye.
    • Another treatment condition is the simultaneous training of a blind-fitting eye with various visual loads (circuit circuits, folding the shallow mosaic, sorting various varieties of croup, reading a fine font and t.D.).
    • For more rapid treatment of lazy eye syndrome with hyperopias, the active stimulation of the retina spots is used (laser) - litwords.
    • The methodology has found widespread in treatment «fine», «Punishment». At the same time, the vision of the lead, better than the eyes of the eye under the influence of lenses consciously worsens (this eye «Strong»), and the working eye becomes.
    • With a significant angle of eye deflection (characterizes the deviation of the oblique eye from the normal axis of the eye) the proposed treatment is ineffective. In such cases, it is necessary to first reduce or eliminate the operational by the deviation of the oblique eye, and in the future to carry out the treatment of the arrangement by the methodology «fine», «Punishment».

    Exercises on the devices

    Cultural treatmentConducting orthoptic exercises on various devices is carried out depending on the sharpness (at least 0.1) and the nature of the vision, as well as the age of children.

    In order to restore or develop a friendly and consistent vision, two eyes under certain conditions apply correction with the help of prisoners (Diplopictic). Ciploptic is held with children from the first years of life during the year.

    In the absence of a result from the above treatment, an operation is shown.

    Postoperative treatment implies the same principles as the preoperative, and is aimed at restoring and developing normal vision with two eyes. If the operation was not fully successful in the treatment of strabismus and lazy eye syndrome, this treatment must continue after surgery. The development of healthy vision under the influence of treatment requires an average of 2 years. Achieving sustainable vision by two eyes is theoretically possible no more than in 70% of cases.

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