From what tree helps


    Whether trees are useful

    From what tree helpsChristmas tree is suitable for the meeting of the new year - by itself. But it can help with many diseases: the needles possesses vitamin, disinfectant, phytoncide, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, coating effect.

    In order to avoid Orz and ORVI, grind a tablespoon of fir or pine needles in a coffee grinder and spread the lumps of this fragrant green «wati» For rooms: Phoncides needles will successfully cope with the pathogens of many diseases and will be removed from the ailments.

    With the diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, 2 tablespoons of fir covers pour the glass of boiling water, keep 5-7 minutes on low heat, insist the hour, strain, pulling raw materials. Take 1/3 cup heated infusion 2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    In winter, a fine prophylactic agent will serve as a drink: 5 tablespoons of crushed needles and 3 tablespoons of crushed rose rose fruits in an enameled saucepan with 0.7-1 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil (but do not boil, otherwise vitamin C), insist under the lid, Wrapped with warm, 5-6 hours, strain through several layers of gauze. Drink at 1/3-1 / 2 Presentation of infusion by adding for each portion on a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is especially useful in cardiovascular, tumor, eye diseases, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders. So that the kids drank such an infusion with pleasure, sweeten it with sugar or honey.

    It is suitable with end shoots (after the last branch). Cheva can be gained in stock and, shred, keep in a plastic bag on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

    Christmas tree from many diseases

    In case of insomnia, pains in the heart, increased nervous excitability, labels of limbs, bronchial asthma about 1 kg of needles, small twigs and pine cones Fill 3 liters of cold water, bring to a boil and keep on very weak fire half an hour, insist 12 hours - well-cooked extract must have brown. Strain by pressing raw materials. Warm and pour in the bath. Take baths with water temperatures 36-37 degrees per hour before sleep for 15 minutes. Course - 10-12 baths every other day.

    And with radiculitis, rheumatism, gouty pains, as well as arthritis and arthrosis, fir-firing baths are better: about 1 kg of crushed end twigs, pour 3 liters of cold water, adding 3 tablespoons (with top) salt, heat up to boil and keep on low heat 20-30 minutes, insist in a closed tableware 3-4 hours, strain, squeezing raw materials. Pour heated decoction in the bath, take baths with water temperature 36-37 degrees for 15 minutes, a day, an hour before sleep. Course - 12-15 baths.

    After the bath, sore joints are wrapped and tied by a woolenker.

    In articular rheumatism, as well as pains in the joints of other origin can be made «Compresses»: Crumpled chewo ate Mix with an ordinary medical cotton (1: 1) and impose sore joints for the night. Make such compresses every other day.

    But what to do with a cheeveyor who fell from your Christmas tree? It can be collected and used to fertilize the landings of the most valuable plants to protect them from eating with bare slugs, - a few days from the Christmas tree, stood in the room for several days, it is impossible to use for therapeutic purposes.

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