Viral conjunctiviti


  • Herpety conjunctivitis
  • Adenovirus conjunctivitis
  • Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
  • Treatment

    Viral conjunctivitis at present began to meet very often. They are very infectious and the disease in many cases acquires the nature of the epidemic. Conjunctivitis causes a large number of viruses of different types.

    Herpety conjunctivitis

    This type of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye causes a simple herpes virus. Children most often sick. Usually herpes virus affects one eye. The course of illness is broken, sluggish. The disease flows for a long time. Almost always the process is accompanied by the rash of herpetic bubbles on the skin of the eyelids.

    Herpety conjunctivitis can be:

    • Catarial
    • Follicular
    • Vesicular-ulcery.
    • The catarrhal form of herpetic conjunctivitis is characterized by ease of flow. Disease manifestation expressed weakly. Separated from the eye mucous membrane, the amount of it is small. Occasionally occurs the addition of bacterial flora and separated from the eye becomes purulent. Redness conjunctiva eye expressed weakly.

      In the follicular form on the conjunctival, follicles (bubbles) are formed. The vesicular-ulcerative form of herpetic conjunctivitis occurs heavier. At the same time, erosion or ulcers are formed on the conjunctiva of the age and the edges of the age. Ulfs covered with thin film. Complaints on tearing, the inability to look at the light.

      Viral conjunctivitiAdenoviral conjunctivitis call still pharyingsonunctival fever. Only recently the viral nature was clarified by this disease.

      With adenovirus conjunctivitis, in addition to eye damage, pharyngitis occurs, an increase in body temperature, which appear at the beginning of the disease. Later connects conjunctivitis, first on one, then on the second eye. Eyelids swell. Mucous eye blusheet. There is a scarce transparent mucous membrane.

      There are three forms of this disease:

      • With the catarrhal form of adenovirus conjunctivitis of the phenomenon of inflammation expressed slightly. Redness is small, the amount of separated too. Lighter. Duration of the disease up to one week.
      • In 25% of cases there is a film form of adenoviral conjunctivitis. With this form on the mucous membrane of the eye, thin films are formed, grayish white, which can be easily removed with cotton swab. Sometimes films can be tightly soldered to the conjunctive, the bleeding surface is exposed under them. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a survey on diphtheria. After the disappearance of the films, it is usually not traces, but sometimes non-knuckles may appear. In conjunctiva, point hemorrhage and infiltrates (seals) may also occur, which are completely absorbed after recovery.
      • In the follicular form of adenoviral conjunctivitis on the mucous membrane of the eye, small bubbles arise, sometimes they are large.

      Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis

      This type of keratoconjunctivitis is extremely infectious. Amazes adult population. Family families are sick. Cause epidemic keratoconjunctivitis one of the types of adenoviruses. Transfer infection with contact path through dirty hands, household goods, linen. It is possible to infect medical ophthalmological instruments, through the hands of medical personnel.

      From the moment of infection before the beginning of the disease passes about a week. Initially, headache may appear, light weakness, sleep disorder. Initially, one eye is ill, but the second will soon join. Complaints appear on the feeling of eye cloghood, tearing, separation from the eyes. Eyelids look edema, the mucous membrane blushing. In the conjunctival bag there is a moderate amount of mucous-purulent discharge. Sometimes there are thin films on the conjunctiva, which are easily removed with cotton swab.

      May increase and painful lymph nodes in the submandibular region and near the ear. A week later, the condition improves and all manifestations seemed to disappear. A few days after improving the tearing and the sense of eye clogging is enhanced, photophobia appears. Sometimes there is a feeling of impaired view. This joins the inflammatory process in the cornea of ​​the eye, on which multiple spotlights occur.

      The disease can last up to two months. When recovering turbidity in the cornea is usually completely absorbed and the vision is restored. After transferred epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, immunity remains for life.


      Treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. The patient is necessary to isolate, since the disease is extremely contagious. To prevent infection of other patients for the treatment of such patients, disposable pipettes and eye sticks. Department even can be closed on quarantine.

      Antiviral drugs are prescribed:

      • Oxolin
      • Florenaley Ointment
      • Gladdenan
      • Deoxyribonuclease.

      The same human interferon is used, other immunomodulators, vitamins. Drop droplets spend 6 times a day, laying ointments 3 times a day.

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