In order to understand that a member of your family uses drugs, you can not resort to expertise. To do this, it is enough to know the main signs of intoxication with various types of drugs.
Member of your family began to behave rather strange? You have a bonding that he takes drugs. Often in order to determine this, it is not necessary to do an examination. Most often everything can be seen without any analyzes.
Signs of intoxication with cannabis preparations are largely dependent on the dose, the number of adopted drugs. Usually, intoxication of small and medium doses is characterized by the expansion of pupils, dry mouth, redness of the face, lips and scool eyes. In this state, inxicated moving, dynamic. Laugh a lot. Decisions take easy and mindlessly. Speech often accelerated, verbose, hurried and fuzzy. Hemp and its derivatives are usually called «Group Drug» because the mood of oxane exaggerated repeats the mood of others. If everyone around is fun, he laughs, if sad - crying. That is why in a group of adolescents who came across hemp often, a real panic occurs, if some of them make a danger. A very characteristic sign of intoxication by cannabis preparations is elevated, straight brutal appetite. At the outcome of intoxication, the teenager can easily strengthen, for example, half a fossol of borscht or loaf. Usually by the end of intoxication appears pronounced drowsiness.
If the dose of drug is large, the face of intoxicated may be pale, pupil - narrow, lips - dry. At the same time, it is pretty badly, it is damaged, immersed in myself. Speaks «Turning tongue». Questions answers with a delay, sometimes the nefple, monosyllast. From it can proceed by a distinct smell of cannabis. Movements clumsy and swallowed due to the fact that the spatial orientation is broken. Usually in such a state, the addict seeks to retire so that no one interfere with him and not «Got» conversations and requests - he is still unable to perform them. Heavy overdose of cannabis preparations can cause acute psychosis. In this state, a person becomes inadequate, suffers from hallucinations, often very terrible. Often he can harm himself and others.
Opiate drugs include heroin, codeine, medat, morphine, as well as Poppy preparations (straw, hank and t.NS.) Find out a person under the influence of opiates, on the following features:
- Unusual drowsiness at the wrong time. If you leave anxiously alone, it begins to fall asleep in any pose and peck the nose, periodically waking up. If it is called, it immediately turns on to the conversation, as if did not sleep.
- Slow speech, he stretches words, begins to talk about the topic, which has long been discussed and forgotten, several times can tell the same thing. But it can be lively, witty, easy to communicate.
- Very good-natured, stopped, conspiring and warning.
- Makes the impression of extremely scattered or thoughtful.
- Falling asleep, may you forget about the cigarette, which burns in his hand and squeeze her or burn her hand. Therefore, the addicts with experience on clothes are often visible holes with burnt edges.
- Seeks to retire, better in a separate room. In this case, turn on there TV or video and fall asleep. Sometimes, on the contrary, it wishes to be in society, even if it is not asked; intrusive and annoying.
- Pupil (extremely important sign!) At this time, it is unusually narrow and absolutely not expanding in the dark, so under twilight illumination of visual acuity decreases. Pale skin, dry and warm.
- Pain sensitivity is reduced, and it can burn about a cigarette or a hot frying pan, without feeling pain.
- It is hard to put it «By normal» - That is, in the bed with the light off in the room - until late at night (sometimes up to 2-4 hours).
The state of intoxication does not last more than 8-12 hours, and sometimes it lasts only 4-5 hours. When it gradually passes, gradually begins the abolition syndrome, in Russian, referred to «breaking».
At this time, the addict is worried. He is tense, irritable for no reason, nervous. He needs to find drugs, so he is impatient. If he is a home child, then runs out of the house or calls on the phone it is not clear to whom. If you stick to it with questions, it is flared and heat. In later stages of breaking reminiscent of colds or food poisoning.
During intoxication with psychostimulants (cocaine, ephedrine, ecstasy and t.NS.) The state of drug addicts is best characterized by a jargon «Shustryak»: They are unusually revived, rapidly in decisions and actions. Pusty, sharp. Quickly fulfill all the cases, can not sit in place on the spot (literally - change the pose every 20 seconds). Periodically start to gather somewhere, but they can not go anywhere. Also quickly speak and jump from one topic to another in a conversation. From minute to minute change their intentions, so they do not bring to the end. They have extended pupils, dry skin, very frequent pulse and (if possible to check) increased blood pressure.
Sometimes the stereotypical movements are happening to them: for several hours they can, for example, aimlessly disassemble and collect alarm clock or rearrange books in the closet. From the side looks funny. But if you think about - a terrible thing.
Due to some reasons, if the addict has a sufficient amount of money or drugs, it can be in a state of intoxication continuously for several days, and still not sleep.
After intoxication passed, lethargy, slowness of reactions, irritability. The mood is usually reduced, but with this drug addicts are alert, wary, scared loud sounds or even quietly, if they sounded in silence. The beginning of the drug addicts is limited to this, in patients with experience possible the development of frightening hallucinations and nonsense of persecution (which drug addicts are called «treason»). The skin is pale, then covered, movements are poorly coordinated, unsure. Pulse remains frequent.
It rarely happens that parents are watching inxication with hallucinogens (LSD, ecstasy, some mushrooms) - In this state, drug addicts are too attracting attention, because they are wondering from the soul: they make ridiculous deeds, listen to non-existent voices or for a long time look at the drawings On the wallpaper (they are presented by masterpieces of painting or even cartoons). So they try to wait intoxicate away from people or take drugs when they do not expect relatives home.
There are many drugs for sleeping bags, but the picture of intoxication with sleeping pills is about the same. It is very similar to alcohol, only the smell is not felt. In contrast to intoxication by most drugs, when using sleeping packages, often aggressive and easily climb.
Pupils are usually expanded. The skin is usually pale (and not red, like alcoholics). Pulse frequency elevated. Coordination of movements sharply violated, they are squeezed, excessive, clumsy. The attention of oxane unstable, and they quickly switch from one topic to another. Speech «Magnifying», unnecessary, overly loud. This condition is called an excitation phase.
After 2-4 hours, drug addicts become sluggish, sleepy and then can fall asleep. Sleep lasts not long (also 2-4 hours), usually heavy, often with snoring, similar to alcoholic sleep. After waking up the head hurts, weakness and dismisses are felt. Their mood is reduced, they are irritable and sullen. Ends all by searching for another dose of sleeping pills or alcoholic.