Gastric ulcer aggravation: causes, symptoms and actions


Gastric ulcer aggravation: causes, symptoms and actionsStomach ulcer — A chronic disease that develops as a result of the action of many reasons causing a violation of the nervous hormonal regulation of gastric digestion and causing ulcers in the stomach, and often in a duodenum.

Aggravation of stomach ulcers as a stage of the disease

The peptic ulcer disease flows waves, the periods of the aggravation of the stomach ulcers alternate with blonde periods, when the number of complaints in the patient is reduced to a minimum, and the ulcer heals itself, disappears without a trace or leaves the scar.

With a light form of ulcerative disease, exacerbations may occur once in 1–3 years, proceed quite easily, stopped for a week, and the symptoms of the disease are completely disappearing along with the healing of ulcers.

In the case of the medium-free flow of ulcerative disease, ulcers occur at least two times a year, accompanied by very painful symptoms that can be maintained for two weeks even with competent treatment. Inflammation can capture all the tissues of the stomach, sometimes ulcerative bleeding occur.

The difficult course of ulcerative disease doctors is stated in the relapses of ulcers more often than two times a year, pronounced symptoms and weight loss, the occurrence of such complications, like bleeding, breakthrough the walls of the stomach (spinning of ulcers), germination of ulcers to other organs (penetration) and reborn it in cancer ( Malignation).

Causes of aggravation of stomach ulcers

The formation of ulcers on the wall of the stomach is associated with the damaging effect on it of digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and Helicobacter pylori. The predominance of these factors above the stomach protection mechanisms leads to damage to its mucous membrane and the formation of a defect.

The reason for the exacerbation of the stomach ulcers is most often the errors in the diet and alcohol intake. Violation of the power mode, the use of acute, salty, smoked, spicy, coarse, hot food and alcoholic beverages leads to irritation of the gastric mucosa and the formation of ulcers. Smoking as a factor of provocation also plays a role.

From the state of rest of the ulcer can derive emotional stress, disturbing the nervous mechanisms for regulation of gastric secretion and motility. The excessive physical activity accompanied by the emission of catecholamines affects.

Sometimes the reason for the exacerbation becomes the reception of drugs, in particular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds with a pronounced ulcerogenic effect.

The exacerbations of ulcer ulcer of the stomach most often have clear seasonality and are tied to spring and autumn periods. The fluctuations of the barometer and air temperature, ORVI flashes, the restructuring of the endocrine system, violate the body protection systems. That is why in a dangerous period to all «Yazwhennikov» advise to streamline the mode of labor and recreation, reconsider the nutrition towards the tightening of the medical diet, consult a doctor and go through the course of preventive therapy.

Pain — The main symptom of exacerbation

Gastric ulcer aggravation: causes, symptoms and actionsIf the exacerbations of the stomach ulcers have already happened, it is impossible not to notice it. The main clinical and most painful symptom — pain. The remaining manifestations of the disease only complement it and advocate the first plan only with reducing pain.

The stomach of man, although in general and resembles a bag, has various departments with specific functions, so ulcers differ in symptoms depending on the place of appearance.

The ulcer of the cardiac gastric department, located close to the place of failure of the esophagus in the stomach, is manifested by a novel pain under the spoon arising immediately after eating, especially the use of acute and hot food. The pain sometimes gives it to the region of the heart, it makes it difficult for the diagnosis of peptic ulcer, and only the appearance of stubborn heartburn, belching with sour content of the stomach, inclines towards ulcers.

The aggravation of ulcers located in the body and in the day of the stomach, that is, in its middle department, leads to a stupid pain under the spoonful of an empty stomach or after 30–40 minutes after eating. Express and heartburn are rarely, a thick gray-white bloom appears in the language.

The ulcer of the weekend, the pyloric, the stomach department, appearing at the place of its transition to the duodenum, is accompanied by strong pain in the opposite region arising after 3–4 hours after meals. Often patients bother night and hungry pain in the stomach, which calm down after meals, especially milk. Along with the pains bother the heartburn, the belching of sour, sometimes there is a vomiting that brings some relief.

What to do with the exacerbation of the stomach ulcers?

Gastric ulcer aggravation: causes, symptoms and actionsFirst of all, it is important to realize the need for hospitalization: to treat the stomach ulcers in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Attention! Do not do self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Symptoms similar to ulcerative disease have many abdominal diseases, such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, in some cases the myocardial infarction is masked under ulcers. Timely appeal to the doctor — The only opportunity to figure it out in this confusion and prevent serious consequences.

Strict diet is shown from the first days of aggravation of peptic ulcer. Power must be as chemically as possible, thermally and mechanically gentle, so as not to irritate the already suffering stomach. All sharp, spicy, sour, salted, sweet, solid, tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, fruits and vegetables are shown only in boiled and wipes. We need to eat small portions 5–6 times a day. Diet must be observed within 3–4 months, while the ulcer does not delay and the gastric mucosa will not fully restore.

Drug therapy of ulcerative disease is aimed at the regulation of the secretory function of the stomach, its protection against aggressive factors, creating conditions for rapid recovery of the mucous.

Attention! Medicines for the stomach ulcer, including painkillers, can be taken only by appointment of a doctor.

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