Windmill rings twice


  • Gemini-brothers
  • First impressions
  • Cunning heritage
  • Rules of Boy
  • Herpes Multicolor
  • Take care of your eyes
  • Virus path
  • Natural anesthesia

  • Chickenpox is considered a childhood disease. Almost every one of us,
    having a Sadikovsky past, sick with a windmill. Those who suffered
    The disease at an older age, with horror they remember these few
    Days in hell: Unbearable itch, temperature under 40… Therefore, in many
    countries There is a tradition «Windmatched Matrennikov». Parents
    Prefer to survive a few heavy days with a sick child,
    but but to protect it from the contagion in the future. Judging, we consider
    yourself have the right to forget about this attack forever. Actually virus
    chickenpox do not go away from the body and after many years
    Remind yourself an unpleasant disease – Lish skewersWindmill rings twiceAEM.


    deprive (herpes zoster), contrary to popular opinion, is not
    parasitic disease – The disease causes the Varisella Zoster virus from
    Family herpes. In most cases, the source of infection – This
    Patient joining deprived. But the disease may occur in
    A result of contact with sick chickenpox, as viruses,
    causing both of these diseases are related. However, in this case
    Joining deprived develops only in those who have previously suffered
    Wind Emirate and acquired persistent immunity. Scientists explain it
    So: after a chickenpox in the body, its causative agent is saved,
    who does not exhibit in any way. But if a person comes into contact with
    This infection, the virus is activated and develops disease. but
    This time it is not a windshnaya case, but a sliding lisha.

    It happens on the contrary:
    Contact with patients with a heying deprive causes (usually in children)
    Disease of chickenpox. It is noticed that he shied
    Are subject to mainly people of age category 50 . And more than 60%
    People over 80 years have already suffered the disease. Explanation Simple:
    Elderly immunity is much lower than youth, their organism is more
    Except for the virus. Chronic diseases are exacerbated and on their background
    herpes easier to take possession of the body. And do not forget that the grandmothers and
    Grandpa most often remain with sick chickenpox grandchildren!

    First impressions

    Most cases of the rash of the shearing linguing are located on
    one side of the body or body (in front or rear) in the segment area
    nerve for which the virus came out of nervous plexuses. Sometimes rash
    may appear on other parts of the body, including head and face.
    The first symptoms of the disease: the appearance on the skin of red plaques, also
    itching, tingling and burning skin. Pain is often localized by
    The move of nerve innervation, in most cases on one side of the body. Everything
    This is accompanied by weakness, a sense of breakdown, slightly
    Body temperature rises. Then bubbles appear on the skin,
    Filled with liquid. They burst and strengthen and in their place
    Oral arises. For two to five weeks, ulcers slowly heal and
    covered with crusts. Many illness ends in this, but still
    A very long time may remain pain in the course of affected nerves.

    There are atypical forms deprived:

    • Abortional – without bubble rash;
    • bubble – rashes in the form of large bubbles;
    • Hemorrhagic – bubbles and bubbles are filled with bloody content;
    • gangrenoz – manifested by necrosis of tissues with the subsequent formation of scars.

    shapes are treated in the same way as the classic. Single difficulty
    – in proper diagnosis of the disease. Similar «disguise» Virus
    Maybe even an experienced doctor! The main thing – don't worry
    Find out the opinions of several doctors.

    Infectness of the virus
    a slouching daming is insignificant, and even close communication with patients not
    always leads to the disease. Nevertheless, during the appearance of
    Sick abundant rash is preferably not in contact with small
    children and older people.

    Cunning heritage

    regret, it happens that the external manifestations of daming have already passed, and
    The affected places hurt a long time. This happens because
    The basis of this disease is the defeat of the nervous system: filter
    The virus, the causative agent of the loose, causes inflammation of the nervous
    nodes – Ganglia. Pain is not only the first, but also the most resistant
    manifestation of disease. Painlessly sliding lispies only
    in children. If intervertebral is involved in the inflammatory process
    Ganglia, which is usually happening, pain in the intercostal. If
    The so-called Gassers knot is affected by
    brain, new and constant (or stitching, twitching and
    parry) pain is localized in the zone of the first (or second and
    third) trigeminal nerve branches.

    If the treatment started in a timely manner,
    The disease occurs, as a rule, favorably. Pain weakens and then
    and completely passes as the inflammatory process fell
    Disappearance of skin rashes: about two or four weeks after
    The beginning of the disease. When treatment begins with the receipt (usually
    According to the fault of the patient himself, which has become untreated to the doctor), ailment
    delayed and fraught with complications, in particular neuralgia. Then
    pain may not stop very long, sometimes for years.
    Also complications of a sliding listeners are piederma (purulent
    leather skin), ulceration, scars, neuralgia and muscle paresis, parires
    triple or facial nerve, ulceration of the cornea and panophalmia.

    Rules of Boy

    rash clean, but do not use flavored soap or
    Aromamasl for the bathroom, limit the time of receiving water procedures – This
    can slow down wound healing. You can apply
    Ice cubes, pre-wrapped them with a pure stroke cloth,
    moistened to the chamomile. Warn comfortable and loose clothes from
    Natural fabrics. Take vitamins that promote skin regeneration
    and nerves: group vitamins B, a and e. In the diet should be
    enough fresh vegetables, fruits and bread.

    For treatment
    Herpes-Zoster for the appointment of a doctor use modern effective
    Antiviral drugs: Famvir, Valtarex, acyclovir in tablets.
    ATTENTION: Timely reception of Famvira and Valtxes protects the patient from
    Development of painful postgerpetic neuralgia. The earlier starts
    Reception of antiviral drugs, the higher the effect of their use.

    Herpes Multicolor

    rashes that appeared in the area of ​​the belt and buttocks take
    shingles. In fact, we are talking about genital herpes,
    The clinical form of which is called «Menstrual herpes».
    Rash, as a rule, are located on the buttocks and appear
    shortly, before or during menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to
    appointment of a doctor take antiviral drugs as well
    Consult an endocrinologist for thyroid disease
    glands. You will have to pass tests on hormones and in case of illness
    Take a course of treatment.Windmill rings twice

    Take care of your eyes

    Vycella Zoster
    can show yourself and as eye illness! In this case, rash
    Appears on the temples and centuries, under the eyes. Eye blushes, swelling and
    hurts. Light enhances tearing and upsets eyesight. Some
    bubbles may appear on the eye protein. Need to immediately
    Contact an ophthalmologist! In no case do not engage in self-medication.
    The eye should be closed: put on it a tampon and secure the bandage. Doctor
    Appoints you conservative treatment. First, he will write down
    immunostimulants, because without stable immunity to defeat the disease
    Let's succeed. Secondly, offered external antiviral drugs
    Acyclovir: Drops, Mazi. ATTENTION: Never impose them in any case

    Perhaps it will also be surgical
    intervention (depends on the depth and degree of eye damage). In heavy
    Cases Possible through corneal transplantation.

    Virus path

    how you got a windmill, the virus Viocella Zoster rises to
    nervous plexus – Nervous ganggles located near
    spine, penetrates them, where and is in inactive condition.
    Some people have a virus can «sleep» For life. At the other
    The effect of declining immunity factors (for example, severe disease
    or stress) virus «awakened» and causes a lisp. Before
    The end of the cause of the revitalization of the virus is not clear. Diagnosis «Herpes Slide»
    Put easy – In the presence of typical rash, accompanied by
    pain syndrome and their localization at certain parts of the body.
    Significant diagnostic difficulty may be atypical
    rashes, similar to the manifestations of a simple herpes, or a mealoform
    rash caused by herpes virus. In difficult situations, a decisive role in
    Laboratory Studies Play Diagnosis Play.

    Natural anesthesia

    oils can be very much­Venna local help: reduce pain,
    Slow bubbles and act as antivirus. Better
    use a combination of two or three oils. If bubbles struck
    Small skin sections, two or three times a day carefully lubricate them
    oils. Use Bergamot, Eucalyptus and Mealleuki oil. If the pain is ne
    Passes, add a lavender oil (Lavandula Vera): it possesses
    Healing property. Its action can be strengthened by taking infusion
    Flowers lavender, which will give a good relaxing effect. If after
    stopping a sharp attack for a long time torments pain, will help
    media­The nervous system strengthening the nervous system: for example, 20 drops of tincture
    oats sowing twice a day or just abundant oats additives
    diet (in the form of porridge).Sometimes sliming is accompanied by
    Depression. In this case, the infusion of rosemary acts perfectly
    (Rosmarimus offidnalis) – Just add somewhat in the morning tea
    drops. Finishing the day, drink a cup of tea from a lime color (Tilia
    europaea) – he will help you calmly fall asleep.To protect yourself from
    Leving, spray the room of the patient specified above the essential oils: in
    Pulserizer pour 600 ml of water and add 10 drops of oil. At the very first
    signs of irritation on the skin of the wince this place is fresh sliced ​​lemon.
    To strengthen the nervous system, take the vitamins of the group in, try
    lead a healthy lifestyle and if possible avoid stress.

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