Chronic gastritis with increased acidity


  • The concept of chronic gastritis of increased acidity
  • Basic symptoms of the disease
  • Gastritis treatment with increased acidity

  • The concept of chronic gastritis of increased acidity

    Chronic gastritis with increased acidityChronic gastritis with increased acidity often occurs in hereditary predisposition to the increase in the acidity of the stomach. As a rule, among the nearest relatives of the patient there are patients with hyperacid gastritis or ulcerative disease of the stomach, as well as with another pathology of digestive organs. Promotes the implementation of this hereditary predisposition. Improper nutrition. This is a food dry, big breaks between meals, starvation, eating fast food food with sharp seasonings, sauces, mayonnaise, smoked, canned food, fried food.

    In the development of gastritis with increased acidity, the loss of peace of mind and the sensation of protectedness in humans, if he does not feel real love. The breakdown to the disease can cause voltage and exorbitant requirements at work, as well as a violation of intra-family relations, all this introduces into a state of chronic stress.

    Recently, the reasons for the development of the ulcer process include parasitizing in the stomach mucosa of a special microbe - HelioBacter Pilori, which requires the purpose of special preparations in the treatment of hyperacid (characterized by increased acidity) gastritis.

    It should be known that chronic gastritis with increased acidity develops gradually and throughout the year-two pass the stage of the so-called functional stomach disorder, in which a person complains of abdominal pain, and there are no changes on the mucous membrane.

    If therapeutic measures are being taken at this stage of the disease, then all the symptoms of the disease go away and the person recovers.

    Basic symptoms of the disease

    The most characteristic complaints in exacerbations of chronic gastritis with increased acidity are pains localized in epigastrics located more on the right. For chronic gastritis with increased acidity, hungry pains are characterized, which decrease or pass at all after the admission of simple food. Sometimes the patient complains of abdominal pain in the morning immediately after waking up. Typical for gastritis with increased acidity rhythm: hunger - pain - meals - relief.

    Despite pain, appetite can be normal or even increased. And only with very strong and prolonged pain, increasing from mechanical irritation of food, patient refuses to eat.

    Pain often accompanies nausea, sometimes ending with vomiting, while it is very characteristic that after vomiting the pain pass. Vomit masses - sour, sometimes burning, with bitterness.

    Often patients point to the sour belly and heartburn, which arise due to the cast of acidic content of the stomach in the esophagus. At the same time, inflammation of the esophagus can develop - esophagite until the formation of an ulcer. Chair normal or there is a tendency to constipate.

    With a long-term course of the disease, seasonality of exacerbations is marked - they occur more often in spring and autumn.

    All this is very similar to the manifestations of peptic ulcer, so it got a name «Final state». Suspicion of the occurrence of ulcerative disease increases if someone among the closest relatives suffers from this disease. Confirmation of ulcer disease is the discovery in the mucous membrane of the Microbacter Pilori.

    Gastritis treatment with increased acidity

    In the event of such complaints, it is necessary to refer to the gastroenterologist, which will appoint the necessary survey and complex drug treatment. However, very important in the treatment of chronic gastritis belongs to dietary treatment.

    It should be remembered that meals for gastritis with increased acidity should be frequent, breaks between meals should not exceed 4 hours except for night time.

    Without a diet, no modern treatment can lead to complete recovery, so special attention should be paid to proper nutrition. Before meals or between meals, medication appointed by the doctor, as well as therapeutic shepherd of herbs from fees, also recommended by the doctor. Enzyme preparations are also accepted by appointment of a doctor during or immediately after eating.

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