Treatment of meteo-dependence


  • Methods of treatment of meteo-dependence

  • Methods of treatment of meteo-dependence

    Treatment of meteo-dependenceThe basis of the treatment of people suffering from meteo-dependence is a healthy lifestyle. It is simple, well-known and, possibly, boring recommendations for compliance with the regime of the day, labor and recreation, the principles of rational nutrition, regular moderate physical exertion, hardening and t.D. Significantly increase the adaptation properties of the body and reduce painful dependence on weather popsicles.

    Prevention of meteopathy symptoms - Long-term and painstaking. Very important preventive measures are sleep normalization (as established by scientists, each person has its own duration of sleep, but women are usually required by 1.5 hours more than men); Seasonal reception of vitamins in autumn and spring (vitamins C, E, group B are especially useful. In the periods of change of seasons, assistance can have so-called adaptogens - tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Aralia Manychu, Pantokarin. However, it should be remembered that these drugs can increase blood pressure, so caution should be used for patients with arterial hypertension, as well as for pregnant women. Before taking adaptogens, consult with the attending physician. Daily walking in the fresh air, full holiday on weekends also contribute to the synchronization of biorhythms and prevention of meteopathy.

    With the developed symptoms of meteo-dependence, especially against the background of some chronic disease, the medicinal treatment should choose a doctor. It is necessary to clearly observe the mode of receiving drugs, since the activity of their action is also subject to biorhythms. With different pain (muscular, articular, headaches) can help self-massage. Massage movements (stroking, rubbing, kneading) are carried out from the periphery to the center. Good effect can give point massage, needleflexotherapy.

    Respiratory gymnastics helps in adaptation of the body to hypoxia, hardening - to temperature drops.

    Fitotherapy has a soft adaptogenic effect. Green tea, Paraguayan tea Mate, Melissa, Kurkuma, licorice possess the anti-Dresses and.

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