Can phytotherapy assist in the treatment of esophageal diseases? Answer to this question you will find in the article.
In esophageal diseases, the focus is on diet (fractional food with small
Portions up to 6 times a day, eliminating solid food, beverages containing caffeine,
fried dishes, citrus rich foods), lifestyle correction (recommended
Do not sleep strictly horizontally, but slightly raise the head end of the bed, eliminate
lifting weights more than 8-10 kg, it would be nice to abandon smoking, reduce in
case excess body weight).
Herbal fees can be considered here not as a panacea, but as a good assistant
During the exacerbation of the disease and as a preventive tool for warning
exacerbations. But in no case, they do not need to replace standard treatment schemes
In the period of exacerbation!
Herbs are prescribed with anti-inflammatory properties normalizing
Gastric secretions protecting from damaging gastric juice.
So, when heartburn, these fees can be recommended:
Roots, Seeds and Leaves of Forest Forest. The resulting powder brew
like tea 1 pinch. Take 3 times a day.
- Hunca herb 20 g, planting leaves 20 g, chamomile inflorescences 5 g. Cook
infusion, take OP 1 pt spoon 3 times a day.
- Grass of the Hypericum, dryers, yarrow - 20 g. 3 pt spoons mix mix
2 h in 1 liter of boiling water, strain. Drink 1/2 st 4-5 times a day.
- Infusion from the gold baking age drink several times a day (1 pt spoon of herbs on
2 st boiling water).
Favorite often in the people soda and milk under heartburn it is not recommended to take,
T.To. they cause the so-called symptom «Ricochlet», when acidity in the stomach
first decreases (heartburn quickly disappears), but in time rises again.
And it becomes higher than it was before that he enhances the feeling of heartburn, maybe
cause pain, lead to the progression of esophageal diseases
and stomach.
When Iikote, it is recommended to smear the soul oil throat, inhale or take
2-3 drops 3 times a day. Cooking: Handful of Grass Pour 0, 5 liter
oil, insist 8 h., Strain and squeeze.
For diseases of the esophagus, it is also possible to recommend such a collection:
- Grass dryers 3 parts
- Flowers chamomile 2 parts
- Grass Celebre 1.5 parts
- Hypericum Grass 2 parts
- Playground leaves 2 parts
- Calendula Flowers 2 Parts
- Grass gold masters 1 part
- oats seeds 5 pieces
- Rosehip fruits crowded 5 parts
Collection (2-3 tablespoons) pour boiling water (500 ml), it is best to put in
Thermos at night. Then strain, drink in warm form by 40-50 ml 5-6 times a day
after meal. You can add honey, lemon, but not sugar!