Chronic gastritis with reduced acidity


  • The concept of chronic gastritis with reduced acidity
  • Basic symptoms of the disease
  • Treatment of reduced acidity gastritis

  • The concept of chronic gastritis with reduced acidity

    Gastritis chronic with reduced acidity - chronic inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane, accompanied by the functional insufficiency of the stomach, disorders of its motor and secretory functions.

    Chronic gastritis with reduced acidity develops under the influence of repeated and long disorders of nutrition, use of acute and coarse food, eating dryness, alcohol abuse, long-term intake of the irritants of the stomach of medicines (butadion, antibiotics, sylycilates), production harm, hereditary factors, etc.

    Basic symptoms of the disease

    For chronic gastritis with reduced acidity are characterized by atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. This form of gastritis can proceed asymptite, but, as a rule, there are impairment of appetite, poor taste in the mouth, exhaust air, food, nausea, feeling of gravity and pressure under the spoon, flatulence (increased gas formation in stomach).

    In chronic gastritis with reduced acidity in patients, concomitant lesions of the liver and biliary tract, anemia (iron deficiency, B12-deficient), neuropsychic disorders (asthenization, carcercipobia - fear of cancer development). For help in the treatment of this disease, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe drugs. Otherwise, the risk of complications increases (peptic illness, exacerbation of the flow and others.).

    Treatment of reduced acidity gastritis

    Chronic gastritis with reduced acidityFirst of all, it is necessary to eliminate the reason that caused the disease. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, comply with the correct power mode. During the exacerbations of the process, bed regime is prescribed for 1-2 days, a strict diet until the signs of aggravation disappear. With reduced acidity gastritis, diet number 2 is shown. After passing the main symptoms of the disease, gradually expand the diet. It is necessary to strictly observe the power mode in the same clock 4-5 times a day in a relaxed atmosphere with the exception of alcoholic beverages, fatty varieties of meat, smoke, marinades, mushrooms. With low acidity, it is recommended to be easily able to eat (porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, potato mashed potatoes, etc.).

    With pains, but-shlu, Papaverin, Galidor, Platifillain. With the secretory insufficiency of the gastric mucosa (gastritis with reduced acidity), festal, pancreatin prescribe. B, PP, C vitamins are recommended.

    The prevention of the disease is to comply with the power mode. It is necessary to stop smoking and the admission of alcohol, thoroughly treat sharp gastritis. Patients with chronic gastritis should be treated and carried out preventive measures under the supervision of a precisiary doctor. With reduced acidity gastritis and atrophic gastritis, the likelihood of developing a stomach cancer is increasing, due to which these patients should undergo a comprehensive examination with the aim of early diagnosis of the development of an oncological disease.

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