Widespread about the brain


one. Myth: Man uses only 10% brain

Widespread about the brainFact: a person uses the brain entirely.

This is not an absolute lie, but half a truth. Every day you use all one hundred percent of your wonderful brain. But for different operations «turns on» Its part. For example, reading this article, you use the frontal and occipital lobe of the brain — to distinguish the letters and understand the meaning of the text. In addition, the hippocampus is active for memorization (you probably remember that we use the whole brain?). At the same time, the stem of the brain and the cerebellum is responsible for your position in space, breathing, blood circulation and digestion. And in the appendage — Hypotalamus right now regulates the hormonal balance, body temperature and all such.

If you collect all this percentage, it will turn out much more than ten. But we did not mention that right now you can carefully listen to the sounds outside the window, be ready to close the page, if the chef passes by, or maybe you eat candy and lateral eyesight tracking your child's action.

2. Myth: Crosswords allow the brain to keep youth

True: Crosswords raise the mood, help you enrich the vocabulary, but they do not affect memory and the ability to think.

Many people, especially the elderly, are convinced that at least one crossword a day — Excellent remedy for senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Alas, there is not a single scientific evidence. Solving crosswords trains only one skill — Quickly find in mind the necessary definitions and concepts. Much great benefits brings daily physical activity and fresh air. Oxygen inflow to brain cells — This is what the memory improves, and reaches the uncertainty of mind and intelligence.

3. Myth: The personality of a person largely depends on whether he is a left-hander

True: two hemispheres of the human brain are bizarrely interdependent, and we equally use both.

You have heard that there are creative nature that have become such because of the active work of the right hemisphere of the brain, and there are logic that think is slightly and rationally thanks to the left hemisphere. However, the brain scan does not lie: it shows that both hemispheres work during any activity, it does not matter whether you draw a picture or solve the equation.

For example, we used to believe that for excellent language proficiency and the ability to foreign languages ​​is replied exclusively to the left hemisphere. Indeed, it is activated when we use grammar and pronunciation, but for the intonation of speech, the right hemisphere is responsible.

4. Myth: brain damage irreversible

True: the brain knows how to repair damaged cells, compensate for the work of the failed other and even grow new.

For some reason we believe that we are born with a certain number of brain cells, and this amount does not change with age. Many scientists have recently defended the idea that the brain cells are not restored, and those that are damaged, irreversibly worsen the work of the brain. Fortunately, this is not true.

Brain plastic, he knows how to adapt to the most different circumstances. It not only seeks to restore the performance of embankment cells, but in the case of FIASCO delegates their functions of neighbors. And if the number of cells is critical, gives the team to create new.

five. Myth: Alcohol kills brain cells

True: moderate use of alcohol (which did not reach the stage of alcoholism) does not destroy cells, and alcoholism does not lead to their death, but only damages.

To destroy brain cells, you need to drink so much alcohol drinking drinks that you simply die, together with the brain. Alcoholics really not all right with the brain, but it is not because whole cells die. Abuse of alcohol damages dendrites on the tips of neurons, and brain cells it becomes difficult to transmit each other messages. From here, the behavior of alcoholics is not adequate.

In addition to the listed myths, it is worth mentioning the sizes of the brain. Some believe that the smarter person is the greater the volume of his brain. However, the size of the brain depends on the mass body weight. Otherwise, all Asians would definitely stupid Europeans and Americans.

Well, it is impossible not to dissolve a common myth about classical music: they say, listen more Bach and Rachmaninov, and you will become smarter. Nothing happens to the brain. But if you like Classical Music, if you regularly listen to it with pleasure, you become a peaceful and relaxed, and the rest of the rest is inextricably linked with ordinary wisdom. So listen to health, but without unnecessary illusions.

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