The consequence of the overloaded rhythm of life is problems with stomach and digestion. Natural resources used to the aid.

That's why Normalization of digestion becomes for many priority. But how to solve it? Listen to television advertising and start taking various drugs? And where is the guarantee that, having solved one problem, you will not get the second? After all, some medicines have a mass of side effects. Or courageously continue to transfer unpleasant symptoms, hoping that all the unpleasant feelings and problems with digestion will afford you?
For the normalization of digestion and improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract of centuries, natural means were used. In ancient Rome, a powder made of dried nine-sided, which not only contributed to good digestion for this, but also helped the best absorption of nutrients. The rhizomes contain useful polysaccharides and bitter substances (they are improving the digestion), in the leaves — Ascorbic acid, flavonids and tocopherol. Among plants that help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, elecampane occupies one of the first places.
For this take dry rhizomes of nine, grind them into powder and take before eating on one teaspoon, and before swallowing, powder must be held in the mouth so that it is impregnated with saliva. The bitter taste of the powder can be pulled out, because for 2-3 receptions you get rid of belching after eating and gravity in the stomach. The infusion of the root of ninewood is indispensable in the treatment of duodenum and stomach ulcers.
Another excellent folk remedy for digestive problems — well-known dill. He removes the spasm of vessels in the intestinal area and the stomach, perfectly copes with grinding and fermentation processes that may occur in the intestine, reduces the meteorism process.
To improve digestion and reduce quantity «Gas» In the stomach and intestines, drink dill water prepared from seeds of this plant. Water infusion, shown in the intestines and stomach, prepare at home. To do this, 200 milliliters of boiling water takes on one table of crushed dill seeds, it is necessary to insist in a closed dishes of 15 minutes, and then strain and take during the day for a week.