A little about the erosion of the stomach


  • Signs of stomach erosion
  • Diagnosis and treatment of stomach erosion

  • Buddy returned from vacation. It looked no matter, rather exhausted than rested. Complained about pain in the stomach after half an hour after eating. I had to go for a survey. Doctors discovered his erosion of the stomach. It turned out, without the opportunity to disperse, my friend rested together with a large family and mother-in-law. For a whole month annoyed on trifles, nervous, often smoked an empty stomach, a very cold beer saw in the heat and many carbonated drinks - Cola, Phanti and T.D. That's «Earned» erosion. What is this disease, what is her symptoms and how to deal with it?

    Signs of stomach erosion

    Soreness in the stomach or intestines - far from the only symptom of erosion; it's just «First bell». Following the pain under the spoon, heartburn begins, belching, nausea (sometimes vomiting), chair disorder, after a meal for a long time, the feeling of gravity in the stomach is preserved. Pains are clearly connected with food intake. In the erosion of the stomach, the pain begins 30-60 minutes after eating.

    Gastric juice is to blame. It is worth recovering, transporting, overvolt, neglect regular food, and in the stomach begin «indignation»: juice is produced with double power. Naturally, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract suffers from this. So over time on the walls of the stomach and intestines and erosion is formed - microns constantly dried by gastric juice.

    Diagnosis and treatment of stomach erosion

    A little about the erosion of the stomachSymptoms of the erosion of the stomach are very similar to gastritis, and on ulcerative disease. To finally decide on the diagnosis, the doctor will definitely prescribe a patient with gastroscopy - an extremely unpleasant procedure, which is found in the people of the Metro «Ingestion of the gut». With the help of special optical devices, the doctor can see the stomach walls from the inside and determine whether there is erosion or not.

    If erosion is not launched, there is enough drugs that destroy the acid of the gastric juice - antacids (Almagel, Phosfalugel, Vicalin, Vicair and T.D.), as well as a light diet. In most cases, in addition to antacids and diet, antibiotics prescribe the patient.

    Diet in erosion must be observed at least one and two months. First of all, exclude from the dish menu-«provocateurs». It is usually sharp, sour, fried, soda, alcohol and some other products. Refuse from «refractory» Fats (fatty varieties of meat, fat), strong soups on meat and mushroom broths, smoked and semi-joint sausages, canned, raw vegetables, black bread. All dishes should be boiled or cook for a couple. And there is a small portion of four or five times a day.

    Be sure to include in the diet of dairy products: milk, butter, sour cream. Enzymes included in them accelerate regenerative (restorative) processes in the gastric and intestine mucosa.

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