Publishing the pancreas - otherwise she is «East»!


  • What kind of symptoms can declare pancreatitis?
  • What should be taken if an attack arose?
  • How to diagnose pancreatitis?
  • Is it possible to completely recover after acute pancreatitis?
  • What diet is assigned to pancreatitis?

  • What kind of symptoms can declare pancreatitis?

    Publishing the pancreas & ndash; Otherwise, she is & laquo; eat & raquo;!
    Painful pain in the upper part of the abdomen, giving in the back (as it were like a squeezing body), nausea and vomiting – So declares itself inflammation of the pancreas, or acute pancreatitis. Often the disease leads gall-eyed disease and cholecystitis. Global duct and pancreatic duct pass almost nearby. And the inflammation in the biliary ways is early or later captures the pancreatic, disturbing the outflow of pancreatic juice from it.

    Inside the gland, enzymes making suitable for the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates are inactive. But, stumbled upon the barrier, they are activated, and a paradoxical situation arises – Self-evaluation of the pancreas. In this group of patients more women. But «Male» The cause of pancreatitis – Strong alcoholic beverages. And the third provocation factor – Oily, fried and acute food. If such a feast is accompanied by alcohol consumption, then everything is exacerbated, and as a result, spasms develop and the outflow of pancreatic juices is disturbed.

    What should be taken if an attack arose?

    You need to know about the risk of serious complications and with severe pains immediately cause «ambulance». In this case, it is better to be renounced than to underestimate the danger – Only in the hospital there is an opportunity to use the entire complex of intensive therapy to avoid irreversible consequences in the development of pancreatic.

    How to diagnose pancreatitis?

    The severity of the disease can be judged by the results of the ultrasound, which makes it possible to determine the size and shape of the pancreas, see its output ducts, detect foci of inflammation. However, ultrasound reveals not all. According to informative today, the more accurate diagnostic method is leading – CT scan. Another direction in the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases is associated with its active role in biological processes: blood and pancreatic juice are investigated for pancreatic enzymes and various hormones.

    Is it possible to completely recover after acute pancreatitis?

    Publishing the pancreas & ndash; Otherwise, she is & laquo; eat & raquo;!

    With light shapes of pancreatitis, the patient may be considered almost healthy. If, of course, it will not abuse acute and fried food, alcohol. With severe forms of inflammation (necrosis), the disease, unfortunately, is moving into a chronic form – The iron is wrinkled, the excretion of enzymes is disturbed, the production of insulin gland cells. Sugar diabetes is very often developing.

    What diet is assigned to pancreatitis?

    With exacerbation on the first day, it is better to cheer – Drink weak tea without sugar and alkaline mineral water. Next, carefully include in the crushing diet (not bonded), cooked on the water porridge, potato mashed potatoes without oil. In the following days, the diet is gradually expanding. The patient can use low-fat boiled meat (better beef), fish boiled or steam, porch-smear. Whole milk, cream, sour cream excluded. But the skinny cottage cheese or sour milk, cooked from low-fat milk, will not damage. Power must be fractional and frequent – 5-6 times a day.

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