Signs of stomach ulcers


Signs of stomach ulcersPrank ulcer — A very difficult disease, which is a peptic defect on the mucous wall of the stomach. As the disease progressing, it can be complicated by bleeding, malignancy (illuminated), penetration (germination) to nearby organs — Liver, pancreas, duodenum — and punching (perforation) into the abdominal cavity with the development of inflammation of the peritoneum or peritonitis. If you do not deal with the disease, then complications are completed in 95% by operational intervention, more often with resection of the stomach. Ulcery disease in the stomach does not occur spontaneously. It develops smoothly, feeding enough serious and disturbing signals. The disease has chronic and seasonal character, exacerbating in the autumn-spring period.

The main causes of the stomach ulcers and the mechanism of the formation of the disease

The main reason, according to the latest studies of ulcerative disease, consider the presence of bacteria, nesting in the sublifted layer of the stomach walls and transmitted by air-droplet, — Helicobacter pylori. To other factors causing a stomach ulcer:

  • heredity;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • chronic gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis;
  • alcoholism;
  • Reception of medicines: «Aspirin», «Ibuprofen», «Diclofenak» and pr.

Bacteria provoke a disruption of the balance of gastric juice and mucus produced by the stomach cells, weakening the protection of the stomach walls from the corrosive of the aggressive medium. Gastric juice consists of hydrochloric acid, which produces the stomach itself for cleavage of food and bile acids, resulting in the liver and thrown into the stomach of duodenal.

The ulcer of the stomach is more often observed in men, they get sick in the interval of twenty to fifty years. If women are ill, they are treated in a planned order of conservative and operational intervention without urgent readings do not produce.

Basic signs of stomach ulcers

Ulcerative disease is not difficult to determine. It is very clearly manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Epigastric pain pain («Under the bow»); May be different in the intensity: stupid and nozzles or acute and burning — spasming; Accurate localization and time of pain appear will depend on the location of the ulcer — When taking food, pain in the upper departments will be fastened faster than in the lower;
  • «Hungry pain» — arise half an hour or an hour after eating, regardless of how many times a person eating, often happen at night;
  • feeling of gravity, stomach packages after meals;
  • vomiting, bringing relief and relieving pain;
  • heartburn;
  • deterioration or enhancement of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • Fabular enough «sour» belching;
  • Possible constipation;
  • Changes in psycho-emotional sphere: irritability, nervousness, excitability, incontinence, aggressiveness.

Basic signs of stomach ulcersAn attribution of the stomach ulcers can also be considered an attack of peptic ulcer, which gives an acute piercing pain in the top of the abdomen or in the epigastria called «Kinjal». Skin covers become pale, cold sweat appears. Characterist slowdown pulse and surface breathing. During palpation, tense abdominal muscles are felt, which do not take part in the process of breathing.

Not the last role is played by discomfort in the area of ​​the stomach and the unpleasant smell of mouth. Although these signs are indirect and may also indicate the presence of gastritis or duodenitis, but still it is worth considering in the complex with the rest of the clinical manifestations.

It is possible that the ulcer of the stomach can manifest themselves with symptoms who are permanent:

  • constant pain after meal;
  • cessation of pain after eating;
  • constant nausea;
  • abundant and protracted vomiting;
  • Chronic degradation of appetite, observed during time and, accordingly, gradual weight loss in full-fledged nutrition.

It happens that ulcer «Nemeth» And in no way demonstrates its presence, which even more complicates the picture of the disease after it «random» Detection. However, if the gastric area is placed, the patient will definitely indicate painful points in the area of ​​the stomach and epigastria. It should be remembered that the ulcer may not be in the singular, but to be observed by multiple ulcerations. Then the disease clinic will be harder.

Pains for the ulcer of the stomach, like all clinical symptoms, depend on the localization of ulcers, its size, the state of the patient and the presence of other chronic or accompanying diseases. It should also be considered the fact that pain for peptic ulcer diseases may be given to completely different organs: lower back, left half of the chest, shovel.

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