How to treat Rakhit


How is the treatment of Rakhita

Treatment of POHITE should be performed exclusively under observation (and for the purpose) of the Pediatric. It is necessary to begin with the emergence of the first symptoms of the disease and carry out until the disease is completely cured.

Of great importance is properly organized by sleep and wakefulness with extension in the fresh air, massage, gymnastics and rational food. Food should contain a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins, mineral substances, including calcium. It is necessary to avoid products deteriorating calcium suction in the intestines, in particular the semolina and a large number of flour products.

How to treat Rakhit For the treatment of Rakhita, vitamin D is necessarily assigned in doses exceeding the prophylactic. With initial signs of Rakhita at the Funny Child, which is in favorable conditions of life and nutrition, is enough to assign a vitamin D oil solution2 500-625 me daily (term dose 200000 - 250,000 IU) or vitamin D aqueous solution3. In case of rickets, the degree of daily dose of vitamin D2 increases to 2000-5000 me, term courses - up to 200,000 - 400000. With more severe degrees of Rakhita, the exchange dose of vitamin D can be increased to 600,000 - 800,000. In recent years, metabolites vitamin D - calcifediol and calcitriol began to use in the treatment of rickets.

When taking vitamin D, it is necessary to closely monitor the wellness of the child, since the overdose of this agent has toxic effect on the body. Signs of intoxication can be a sharp decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting, less often - reducing urination and constipation. To control the toxic effect of vitamin D it is recommended 1 time in 2-3 weeks to test Sulkovich (i.e., urine analysis for calcium content). The positive feedback testifies to the overdose of vitamin D.

Also in the treatment of Rakhita can use ultraviolet exposure courses.

In order to improve metabolic processes in the body, children with rickets are recommended to do salt, and with elevated excitability - salt-coniferous baths.

PHATE Treatment Usually quickly applies to improving the state of the fette, but with severe degrees of the disease, the consequences may remain for life. This disease can contribute to the development of scoliosis, flatfoot, pelvic deformations («Flat pelvis»), curvature of the legs. That is why there are the presence of a dehydrated person, it is accurately important for its treatment to be treated.

And do you need fish oil?

And what about the jail zip? When the Trin comes on a look, this question is the comperers specify most often. Indeed, it was happening when it was with the help of the psylli-union jib will be going with a look, but today these attempts are attempted by the scope of history. Presents sufficient knowledge about the diseases of the disease and the package of vitamin D (with dialing concentations) The use of a fishing zipa is not only undesirable, but often also unsafe (as it can come in with a vitamin A).

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