What is the stomach polyps? What are the symptoms of this disease? What is fraught with this ailment? Answers to these and some other questions about stomach polyps can be found in this article.
In the form of the polyps resemble a berry, small mushrooms, cauliflower size of 1-3 cm, sometimes more. They can be on the so-called leg and without it. In essence, the polyp is a benign tumor of the hardware structure. As a rule, polyps develop against chronic gastritis and other inflammatory processes. Disease can wear inheritance.
Polyps can be solitary and multiple. If a person has 1-3 polypa, they are considered solitary. If 10-15 - multiple, if more than 10-15 are already called «Diffuse polyposis».
In addition, risk factors include, first, age - after 50 years. Secondly, heredity. Third, own history - if a person has a long time to have problems with stomach. As such a diagnosis «Polyposis» put by a doctor not on the basis of a clinical picture, but on the basis of a survey (this or x-ray, or gastroscopy). Biopsy shows what the inner composition of the polyp, which is the number of cancer cells.
After that, the question of the nature of the treatment and the need for operation. Treatment mainly symptomatic. Polyp in a flat place does not happen, it arises, as a rule, on the background of inflammation, gastritis, for example. If there is nausea and vomiting - they treat them, the motility of the stomach (Motilium, Phosfaleugel, Ranitidine, and T. NS.). If secretory disorders (when the acidity is high or low) - drink the appropriate drugs.
If we talk about the need to remove the polypa, now try to do everything as gentle as possible. Small polyps on the leg can be removed by the method of thermocoagulation - burnt. Some polyps can be removed during gastroscopy. But if it is a multiple polyposis, then there is no way out - you have to do an operation.
It happens that the operation, according to the doctor, is necessary, and the patient does not agree to it. In this case, histological examination is necessary every six months in order to prevent rebirth in the malignant tumor. In principle, even a single polyp need or remove, or carefully follow it.

We give the recommendations to know and observe a person having polyps or other stomach problems. In addition to the reception of the drugs recommended by the doctor, it is necessary to try:
- do not succumb to stress
- Not for the night, lying or on the go;
- Do not smoke;
- On the night, taking enveloping drugs or gels (Almagel or Phosphalugel), turning into bed after taking food with a side on the side, then lie on the back, then on the stomach so that the drug is better acted;
- On an empty stomach, drink a tablespoon of olive oil and also lie down a bit in bed, changing the position several times.
30% of people over 50 have stomach polyps.
It is recommended from products:
- Dairy Products: Milk, Outlet, Kefir, Sour, Cream, Cottle.
- White bread, yesterday, crackers, drying.
- Soups - on water, broth «second water», Cheering, vegetable.
- Meat, fish - in boiled or baked. Do not fry!
- Garnish - Pasta, Cereals, Vegetable Rag.
- Snacks - boiled sausage, doctoral, low-fat ham.
- Vegetables - in the rubber, boiled, baked form. Radish, radish is prohibited.
- Fruits - Sweet, Soft Types.
- Eggs - Ski, in the form of omelets cooked for a couple.
- Drinks - Buckle of Robber, Mineral Water, Homemade Juices.
- Dessert - Marshmallow, Dry Cookies, Crackers, Marmalade.