Treatment of Blanopostita

Balanopostitis refers to the most common diseases from which more than 10% of men of the whole globe suffers. The reasons for its occurrence can be various factors. But the main thing is that patients should know - the disease is treated.

Causes of the disease

Balantostitis, intimate hygiene, men's diseases, men's problems, sex infections

The main factors for the development of the disease are the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • Refusal of application Contraceptives during sexual intercourse;
  • Individual structure of the penis;
  • fungal and bacterial diseases (staphylococcus, fuzospiplosis symbiosis, candidiasis, intestinal sticks);
  • Genital herpes;
  • general weakening of immunity after prolonged disease;
  • Chronic and other diseases (diabetes, anemia, avitaminosis);
  • Punish injury.

Types of Blanopostita

Balantostitis, intimate hygiene, men's diseases, men's problems, sex infections

Each patient disease can manifest itself in different ways, to a greater or lesser extent. Doctors share all the symptoms on their intensity of 3 general groups:

  1. Small skin lesions in the form of redness and eductions, which are always accompanied by light itch, thickening, unpleasant burning in the field of penis head, as well as premature ejaculation.
  2. Changes in the skin of the head of the penis, which are manifested in the form of dry skin. Small, but painful cracks, deep purulent ulcers appear. The extreme flesh is narrowed to a state at which it is impossible to bargain the head, which prevents the ability to carry out sexual act.
  3. Natural allocations from the urethra become abundant, have a purulent character. All this is accompanied by strong pain when urinating, increasing body temperature, total weakness and poor well-being.

Forms of the disease

The disease is manifested in 3 forms:

  1. Catarial form - accompanied by redness, swelling and high humidity of the inner surface of the extreme flesh. The head of the penis also swells, erosion and purulent education appear on it. The patient feels burning and itching.
  2. Erosive form - manifests itself by the appearance of blessed erosions from necrotic epithelium, which over time become bright red. This form is dangerous appearance FIMOGO Heads and damage to the inguinal lymphatic glands.
  3. Gangrenous form - the general condition of the patient deteriorates, fever appears, the head of the penis covers purulent foci, which practically do not heal. All this may be accompanied by the development of penal fimosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before proceeding with the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose it correctly. For this, the patient must pass blood tests, Sowing and microscopy from urethra. The first thing urologist eliminates syphilis, which has similar symptoms with balanopostitis, after that the form and stage of the disease is determined and the course of treatment is appointed.

Treatment of Blanopostita

Balantostitis, intimate hygiene, men's diseases, men's problems, sex infections

For any manifestations of all listed symptoms, a man should urgently turn to a urologist, which will assume analyzes, and will continue to control the process of recovery. The course of treatment consists of the following steps:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene, which is to wash the head of the penis with the use of soap after each urination, but not less than 5 times a day. You can also use a solution of furaciline, hydrogen peroxide. In the event that the disease is not too running, the enhancement of personal hygiene can be quite enough for full cure.
  2. Processing head and extreme flesh antiseptics after each washing. The procedure is prescribed by the course for 7-10 days, after which the doctor assesses the patient's condition and decides on the need to extend treatment. Miramistin are prescribed as antiseptics and antifungal drugs, Chlorhexidine, Fluconazole, Levomecol, Batrafin, Clotrimazole and others.
  3. Appointment of immunomodulators and immunostimulants to raise the patient's immunity. This is necessary in the case of the treatment of Balantostitis with antibacterial agents.
  4. With very launched forms of balanopostitis and, if treatment with antiseptics and antifungal ointments does not help, urologists resort to surgical intervention. Most often such intervention is necessary when phimos. The operation consists of dissection and further circumcision of the extreme flesh, which completely closes the head, not allowing it to collapse for hygiene procedures. Operation is carried out under anesthesia. In the future, the course of treatment with ointments is appointed.
  5. Treatment of balanopostitis is possible and folk remedies. For this preparing ointments based on aloe, plantain, hunter, chamomiles, sage, dill roots and other medicinal herbs. For greater efficiency, you can first wash the sex member with soap, then make baths from herbal tinctures, and after that handle the head and extreme flesh ointments. In addition to oats, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn oil and butter. Do not use for the treatment of Iodine, alcohol tinctures, manganese, it is unsafe and can lead to mucous burned. The main thing is that the treatment of folk remedies must approve your urologist.

Prevention of Balanopostita

Balantostitis, intimate hygiene, men's diseases, men's problems, sex infections

Each man must take care of his health and prevent the occurrence of a disease dangerous by severe consequences. So, as the prevention of Balanopostin, the following is:

  1. Proper and regular personal hygiene using special means.
  2. Do not refuse to apply a condom.
  3. Patients with diabetes and Gaunt Always are in the risk group, so they should take additional security measures - not to use an antibacterial soap to wash, apply as often mitigating creams, wearing only natural underwear, not causing allergies and diaper. Men with the above diagnoses having a permanent partner should recommend them regular consultation in the gynecologist for the availability of dysbiosis and infectious diseases.
  4. Those of men who diagnosed phyms should not refuse surgical intervention so as not to be constantly in the risk group.
  5. Since balanopostitis may occur not only in adult men, but also small boys, their health is obliged to take care of parents and take action on time.
  6. Avoid stress and nervous disorders. Strengthen your body with multivitamins during the exacerbation of viral diseases so that immunity can fight any infection to deal with any infection.

If it does not take action on time, the disease can go into a chronic shape, and this may be threatened with the fusion of the fabric and even the oncology of the head. With the slightest suspicion of the disease, our site recommends to immediately contact a competent urologist.

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