Diarrhea travelers


  • Culprit – Microbes and their toxins
  • Calculate the likelihood of sick
  • help yourself

  • Going on vacation, Put the tablet pills from the stomach disorder. The probability of his trip, alas, great. No wonder physicians have such a term – «Diarrhea travelers»

    Culprit – Microbes and their toxins

    The reasons for diarrhea on the trip can be a set, starting with the simplest: a person changes the usual food, the familiar water.

    «Culprit» Diarrhea – Pause microbes, bacteria, viruses that fall into the body with food or liquid. In distant countries, almost all microbes are unfamiliar to us, from this they are such for us «evil».

    Microorganisms are distinguished toxins that not only lead to the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, but also poison the entire body. Outcome – Headache, weakness, nausea, loss of appetite. It is possible to increase the temperature, diarrhea, sometimes – vomit.

    Acute intestinal infections, if they are not treated in time, can lead to the development of chronic diseases: enterocolitis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, dysbacteriosis…

    Calculate the likelihood of sick

    Diarrhea travelersThe chance to get diarrhea directly depends on the hygienic standards in those edges where you are traveling.

    If you relax in Europe, North America or Australia, the likelihood of diarrhea is small (about 8%), in southern Europe, Japan, Russia or Caribbean – up to 30%. High-risk countries include states of Asia, Africa, South and Central America.

    To avoid intestinal problems, we are tied in the trip only at the hotel, where they stopped, or in restaurants. Food and drinks purchased on the street may be not safe in terms of sanitary standards. Danger represent not only underdeveloped or non-fried dishes, but also… ice cubes – majority «Intestinal» Microbes well tolerate low temperature and can be saved with several days. They do not die, even if this ice is placed in strong alcoholic beverages (gin, whiskey, tequila).

    No matter how much exotic fruits wanted to try on the street, take patience and first wicked them well (in high risk countries – Only bottled water!). Read more simple rule: «Clean, swari, bopping or… forget», And you will reduce the risk of diarrhea to a minimum.

    help yourself

    If still diarrhea began, more drink to fill the loss of liquid and remove toxic substances. With a frequent liquid chair, it is recommended to drink boiled water with the addition of pinching salts and glucose.

    Taking antibiotics with most intestinal infections is not necessary, not always effective and reception «Fasteners» drugs. The drugs of the type of imports are quickly eliminated by diarrhea, but with intestinal infections, their reception is not justified: they do not kill the pathogen, and as a result, the microb - the culprit is delayed in the body.

    For the treatment of diarrhea, it is possible to recommend drugs that regulate the equilibrium of intestinal microflora, so-called probiotics (colibacterin, bificol, bakyubyl, nine). The basis of them – Specially bred bacillus, in the process of which enzymes are released, contributing to improving the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as killing most pathogenic microorganisms.

    To cope with the deterioration of digestion, meteorism (bloating), accompanying diarrhea, you can take enzyme preparations (festal, mesim, panzinors and others – 1-2 dragey 3-4 times a day during meals). An antacid drugs, such as Maalox, phosphhalugel or smecta (1 bag of 3-4 times a day), which have enveloping and adsorbing effects may be useful.

    Find a place in a travel bag for several ENTERBERS packages (activated carbon, enterosgel). Enterosorbents are able to precipitate on their surface pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, eliminating intoxication in this way. In addition, they have no side effects.

    Modern sorbents exceed activated coal on efficiency and safety. They neutralize not only banal toxins, but also pathogenic microorganisms. Reception of sorbents should be started as early as possible, not allowing toxins or microbes to achieve a dangerous level, and continue to take to the complete disappearance of symptoms.

    After poisoning, sit on the diet (in easy cases, just stick the diet one day). It is recommended not very strong tea without sugar with breadcrumbs. If there is no appetite at all, boot, it will benefit. To fill the loss of liquid, more drink, you can – Mineral water without gas.

    But if the bit of the thermometer is off, the liquid chair comes to ten times a day or a multiple vomiting began, do not attempt to be treated independently, call a doctor.

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