About how diseases such as dermatomyomyosis and polyimiosit are developing, as well as how to treat their treatment in this article.
Inflammation of one or several skeletal muscles are called myositis. In the event that many muscles are involved in the pathological process, they are talking about the development of polyimositis. In some cases, the defeat affects not only the muscles, but also the skin, the disease is called - dermatomyosis.
Consider in more detail some varieties of mositis: dermatomyositis, polyimiosit.
Dermatomiositis most often occurs in women of young and middle age. The origin of the disease is accurately not defined, presumably pathology can be initiated by a virus or genetic factors (hereditary predisposition). Stress mechanism is stressful, colds, hypothermia and even sun rays. The lesion of the skin is expressed in the appearance of a characteristic rash on his arms, face, top of the body. Rashes have red or purple color, in addition, sometimes there is an edema.
Related symptoms - weakness, chills, elevated temperature (more often subfebrile), sharp weight loss. Worsening well-being can be both rapid and gradual. Dermatomyositis have a lot of unpleasant consequences for the patient - so, can continue to continue the declaration and shortening of the muscles, and under the skin, calcium salts causing patients are possible.
When polyimosit, as already mentioned above, several muscle groups are affected. At the same time, in contrast to the local myositis, the pain is not so pronounced, and the main symptom is muscular weakness. First, the patient is difficult to climb the stairs, then he cannot get out of the chair, later the neck muscles and the patient cannot even hold the head in the vertical position, the last stage of the disease is atrophy of swallowing, chewing muscles, as well as muscles participating in the respiratory act. Sometimes polyimiositis is accompanied by the edema of the muscles and the swelling of the joints - arthritis develops. All of the above symptoms are held at a timely basis, and complete recovery comes.
Myozit has two stages - acute and chronic. As a rule, the unreath sharp myiositis is chronized and then periodically worries the patient - the pain is enhanced by hypothermia, change of meteo conditions, manifesting at night and with long-term static position of the body.
Chronic myozit can become a consequence of infectious disease, such as colds. Sometimes the patient does not even realize that it was struck by this disease until the symptoms become too obvious. Acute myositis develops after local muscle infection in a generalized acute infection, as well as due to injuries and muscle overvoltage (especially in combination with supercooling).
Mositis, first of all, susceptible to the muscles of the neck, lower back, shin, chest. In the event that if there is local myositis (and not polyimiosit) pain and muscle weakness apply only to a certain group of muscles. The main symptom of myositis is the pain that has a good character and is particularly enhanced when driving and touching the muscles. During palpation, painful foci is tested - heavy and nodules. Small swelling and hyperemia (redness) of the skin occurs in some cases. Sometimes my sum is accompanied by fever, headache. The patient's condition without adequate therapy deteriorates sharply.

In any case, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are appointed, in addition, with local mosites, a good effect gives therapy with warming ointments. These drugs improve muscle trophics, have a local radiating effect and contribute to the reduction of muscle tension, and, therefore, reduce the intensity of pain.
In the acute mositis, the patient shows the bed and restriction of physical activity. At elevated temperatures, antipyretic drugs are possible. The affected area (neck, loin, shin) should be kept warm, you can use warming wool bandages - effectively so-called «Dry warmth».
In the case of purulent myositis, contact the surgeon - perhaps the focus of infection will be opened, the removal of the pus, and then overlay the drainage dressing. In this case, antibiotics are used not only parenterally (t.E. bypassing the digestive tract), but also locally (ointment, powders).
Physiotherapy methods, massage (with purulent mositis are contraindicated), healing physical education, special diet are used to treat myositis.
Prevention measures: avoid overvoltage of muscles, hard work in the cold, drafts, in time to treat colds and other infectious diseases (should not tolerate disease «on foot»).