Treatment of colitis in children


Treatment of colitis in children
Colitis call an inflammatory process affecting
mucous membrane of the fat intestine. The disease is accompanied by pools in
iliac region, vomiting, diarrhea, severe weakness and symptoms
Dehydration of the body. As a rule, treatment
Colitis in children takes place in the hospital, under the supervision of experienced
specialists (gastroenterologists, pediatricians).

It is very important to contact the doctors in time
the appearance of signs of colitis, since the disease may be dangerous
Infectious pathology. Acute colitis in children need to differentiate with disknesia, appendicitis, disease
Crown and other pathologies having similar symptoms.

Diagnosis of colitis in children

In children with sharp colitis
In the initial stage there may be no explicit signs of illness. Often Parents
take inflammation of the intestine for respiratory viral disease or ordinary
Digestion disorder. After contacting the hospital and inspection, the kid doctor
The following procedures can be assigned:

  • Laboratory diagnosis of blood;
  • Caprological examination of feces;
  • Colonoscopy, rectoscopy;
  • Verification of feces on dysbacteriosis;
  • Biopsy of fragments of the fat intestine mucosa;
  • Irrigography.

Modern methods of diagnosing acute colitis in children make it possible to determine the severity of the current
Diseases, location of inflammation, the condition of the mucous membrane. With them
help can identify the characteristic changes of the laboratory fees,
urine, blood serum, which makes it possible to put a correct diagnosis and
Decide on further treatment tactics.

Treatment of colitis in children

Treatment of intestinal colitis
Child in acute form is carried out in the hospital. It is aimed at combating
With the causes of the development of the inflammatory process (chronic pathology of the organs
digestion, intestinal infections), elimination of symptoms of disease and prevention
Complications. For this use antibacterial drugs (if the colishes of the intestine in the child is caused by infectious
causative agent), enterosorbents, drugs for deactivational

Treatment of colitis in children

During the treatment of colitis
Children recommended dietary food. Food should be warm,
Water, without any stimuli. Gazed drinks are excluded,
sharp, fried, spicy and fatty food. When colitis useful mucous
Soups and porridges, faded broths, kisins, omelet, cooked for a pair, herbal
champs, compote.

In the treatment of chronic colitis in children necessarily include
Enzyme preparations, probiotics and prebiotics (Linex), Prokinetics
(Loperamide), Enterosorbents (Activated Coal, Smekt). For relax
Symptoms of the disease can be prescribed physiotics (electrophoresis, warm
Appliques on the abdomen, mud). Chronic Chronicler
must regularly undergo prophylactic inspections from the gastroenterologist and
Observe gentle power. When using aggressive dishes,
Irritating beverages may occur exacerbation of inflammation
intestines in children.

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