Sore joints? Contact the venerolologist


  • Caution: Chlamydia
  • Sad scenario
  • Fighting to the victorious end
  • Safety technique

  • Caution: Chlamydia

    Hurt the joints? Contact the venerolologist For the first time, the mysterious disease became known in 1916, when the hygienist Hans Reuters described the inflammation of the joints (arthritis) in the patient suffered by dysentery. Arthritis was accompanied by redness of the eyes and Urtric (rapid and painful urination). The combination of this triad (conjunctivitis, droit and arthritis) called the Reiter's disease.

    Subsequently, it was found that the disease may be associated not only with dysentery. In most cases, it occurs in people and not having intestinal disorders. Much more often doctors have to deal with a completely different form – Venusical, source of which are the infamous intracellular parasites of chlamydia trachushatis.

    Pick up chlamydia easier. Most often, this infection penetrates the body during sexual contact, but it is possible to get infected and wiping a stranger with a stranger with a stranger or using someone else's washcloth (in a humid environment, the pathogens of Hlah-Midiosa live 4-5 days).

    At first, the infection does not show itself. A person may not feel sick until he hits or does not survive a strong stress.

    There is another circumstance that increases our vulnerability, – The presence in the blood of a special antigen under the labeling of HLA.B27, which, like a rhesus factor, is inherited. It has been established: His carriers have the risk to get sick so-called seronegative arthritis (including the Reiter's disease) is 40 times higher than those of the rest.

    Sad scenario

    The development of the disease can proceed in several scenarios. In the postentherocolic form, a banal intestinal disorder can be happened first. After about one or two weeks, urethritis joins the diarrhea: a person becomes hurt and unpleasantly urinated. And approximately another week two begin to root and swell the joints.

    With a different scenario, a person suddenly begins to disturb the unpleasant feeling in the eyes (sense of sand, itching), which, however, quickly pass, giving way to arthritis. In case of rarery disease, it is special, unlike other forms of joint diseases. First of all, the joints of the legs are affected (knee, ankle). As a rule, asymmetrically: not both joints, but one. Often the joints of the legs are involved in the process (they acquire a specific species «sausages»), the skin becomes shiny. Frequently rises temperature (up to 38?C) and lasts a few months.

    In addition to the joints of the legs in the disease of the Reiter, the spine may suffer, especially with a long-term course of the disease. You can learn about this by making x-ray pelvis.

    Characteristic of skin lesions. In this case, men are especially affected. In 40% of cases, they have a balanitis – Inflammation of the head of the penis – or balanpoostitis when the extreme flesh suffers with the head. Less often occurs keratodermia – Special skin lesions stop. And quite rare – So-called rugoid rashes: ring-shaped areas of skin working, towering over its surface and reminded crater.

    In general, with the disease of the Reiter, almost all organs and fabrics may be affected. From dangerous eye lesions to serious problems in the cardiovascular system and pneumonia.

    Fighting to the victorious end

    It is necessary to start treatment in as early as possible. Catch the Reiter's disease at her beginning – perfect option. the main task – Fighting chlamydia, for which serious antibiotic therapy will need. Treated for a long time, not less than a month. And in order to protect the immune system of the patient, it is necessary to affect it with immunomodulators. Do not do without painful means. Together with hormonal ointments and injections, they greatly facilitate life with such patients.

    Alas, to achieve the final victory in the disease of the Reather is very difficult. After the first monthly course, antibiotics are cured of only about 50-60% of patients. The fact is that chlamydia in the human body can go into a special form. They are inside the cells, but as if freeze in their development, preserved, hawkening until time. And even the analysis can not show anything. «Wake up» they are about a month later. It is at this time a re-analysis. And in a month – another.

    And only if the third analysis again turns out to be negative, it is believed that the disease is defeated. However, approximately a quarter of the patients never manage to get rid of chlamydia. Reiter's disease becomes chronic, condemned for continuous observation at the rheumatologist.

    Safety technique

    • If still dangerous contact has occurred, do not be lazy, hand over the analysis of chlamydia. Make it better in a specialized institution and as quickly as possible.
    • Prevent infectious arthritis disease is quite simple. Just follow the rules of personal and intimate hygiene. First of all, it is a refusal of random sexual bonds or the use of a condom.
    • If you already grabbed (frequent urination, unpleasant feelings in Urthre), urgently go to a urologist or dermatovenerologist.

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