How to get rid of smell (sweating) legs

Have you ever noticed how surrounding people boil the nose when you tear? Whether your dog fell in love with your sneakers? If so, besides the well-known soda, there are still many ways to reduce foot sweating and do not give them smell like kamambur cheese. And each person has its own proven method of combating this problem.

How to get rid of smell of legs, sweat
Have you ever noticed how surrounding people boil the nose when you tear? Whether your dog fell in love with your sneakers? If so, besides the well-known soda, there are still many ways to reduce foot sweating and do not give them smell like kamambur cheese. And each person has its own proven method of combating this problem.

But why the legs sweat so much and smell? Our feet are the natural habitat of millions of bacteria that feed on and with dead skin cells. It is the waste of their livelihoods that give your feet, socks and shoes a characteristic smell. Obviously, the stronger the legs sweat (say, in rubber boots or synthetic socks), the greater the bacteria of food and the stronger «spirit». Special fragrance adds to him in the footsteps of fungus. In addition, in patients with diabetes, cores and the elderly, due to the deterioration of blood supply to the legs, the feet are particularly often covered with ulcers and infected, and this is also «hits the nose».

If you still have not coped with this problem, then our site advice will accurately help you in the fight against an unpleasant smell.

How to get rid of smell (sweating) legs

Legs from the armpits

You probably won't be surprised by learning that the antiperspirant to handle the armpits, reduces the sweating of the legs. Just push or smear them before putting clean socks.

It is also good to wash the legs in warm water with a deodorizing or bactericidal soap, but it is necessary to do it daily.


Washer at sweat
Our site recommends you a tea foot bath. For fifteen minutes boil two black tea bags in one liter of water. Then the bags will get out and throw away, and the resulting infusion dilute with two more liters of water. Give tea to cool to an acceptable temperature and half an hour keep your feet in it. Repeat this simple procedure daily.

Culting acid of strong tea has strong knitting (tanning) properties, that is, it kills bacteria and tightens the pores, as a result weakening the sweating.

Make a deodorizing foot bath, ranking in a basin with warm water glass of vinegar. To achieve a larger effect, add several drops of thyme oil into solution. It contains a strong antiseptic that kills fetid bacteria. Soak in this feet of 15-20 minutes daily for a week.

But remember that such a procedure cannot be carried out if you have unexplored wounds on your feet.

Massage fragrance

Lavender oil will not only smell, but also helps with bacteria. Before going to bed, rub a few drops of oil in the foot. Then put on clean cotton socks and go to bed.

But do not forget to check if it is not annoying this tool your skin: drip on the inside of the wrist and follow the reaction within a few hours.

Salt from smell

Powder for foot
Pour five water in the pellet or bucket of liters, and dissolve two glasses of English (bitter) salt in it. Pull the legs in this brine for 15 minutes a day. English salt - astringent, that is, it tightens the skin, reducing sweating, and, in addition, like any salt, it is destructive for bacteria.

On the feet like echoma

Lubricate the soles 5- or 10 percent benzoyl peroxide gel to kill flicker bacteria. Why not use this method? After all, on the face this means is valid!

Work on dyeing

To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, before putting on clean socks, sprinkle the legs with a talc and a special leg. They perfectly absorb sweat, suppressing the development of bacteria.

If you have not turned out to be at hand, use food salt, which neutralizes the smell, and corn starch absorbing moisture.

Add heat

This procedure will be especially useful for those who are predisposed to interpal or nail fungus: dry the legs with a hairdryer, adjusted to the lowest temperature. This will significantly reduce their humidity and will help to avoid the development of infection.

Foot creams

Deodorant cream & laquo; 7 days & raquo; from Vichy
In addition to all of the above funds, you can purchase a special cream in a pharmacy to normalize the feet of the feet and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Our site draws your attention to the fact that some of them are designed for daily applications, others - are used for about once a week.

For example, deodorant cream «7 days» from Vichy, regulating excessive sweating. Apply the cream on clean skin for two days in a row per week, and over time, the foot sweating will significantly decrease and will remain at such a lower level. However, such funds are not for everyone for pocket - on average, such a cream will cost you in 400r.

In Russia, produced cream for legs «5 days», which possesses the same properties as Western manufacturers. In the pharmacy such cream will cost approximately 55r.

The main difference is that Vichy deodorant cream can be used not only on the skin of the stop, but also in the axillary depressions, palms.

Creams that require daily use, apply to the foot before bed, do not forget that the skin should be clean.

Ability to dress

Change socks daily, even if you do not have problems with the smell of feet
Change socks daily, even if you do not have problems with the smell of feet.

Wear in turn of at least two pairs of shoes, giving each after use to be ventilated over at least a day.

As far as possible, wear sandals or shoes with a wicker, perforated, cliff to the legs in them «breathe». With the same purpose it is desirable to abandon synthetic socks in favor of cotton.

Rules for the use of shoes

Carefully learn instructions for using sports shoes. If it can be washed to get rid of an unpleasant smell, do it at least once a month.

Carefully learn the instructions for using sports shoes. If it can be washed to get rid of the unpleasant smell, do it at least once a month
Keep shoes in a bright, ventilated place, and not in a dark cheese closet, where the paradise reigns for microbes.

Whenever, removing shoes, put in her bags filled with fragrant cedar or juggling chips. Alternative option will be special mesh packs with zeolite, natural material, very effectively absorbing odorous molecules. This system can be used repeatedly. To do this, put the bag on the window sill, and after six hours of staying in the sun, he will return its performance.

Buying new insoles, select those that can absorb odors. Our site reminds that the insoles must be changed once in three to six months.

If the insoles are not glued in your shoes, be sure to remove them and dry after each socks. From time to time erase them with detergent.

And also do not forget about other rules for the care of shoes.

When you need a doctor

If you used all the funds we listed, but it was not possible to eliminate the unpleasant smell, consult a doctor: therapist or orthoped. You may have a serious infection that requires treatment with prescription antibiotics or fungicides under the control of the doctor.

An unpleasant smell by your feet is haunted everywhere. It spoils not only the atmosphere, but also your relationship with the surrounding people. And how many problems he will bring you on a friendly party! If you do not want to once again get into an awkward position, take a job: eliminate the foul odor and reduce foot sweating, and our useful tips will help you with it.

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