Eyes defeat with gonor


  • Blennorya newborns
  • Blennorya in adults
  • Treatment of Blennorera
  • Prevention of eye disease

  • Blennorya - Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, accompanied by abundant throat. The causative agent of the disease is Gonokokk (Gonoblenory). Distinguish between goblennore (Blennore) newborn and adults. Currently, due to the success of the fight against gonorrhea and prevention in maternity homes, Blennorya is extremely rare.

    Blennorya newborns

    With Blennorye Newborn, eye infection occurs when the fetal head passes through the generic paths of the patient of mother gonor. Usually both eyes. On the 2-3rd day after birth, the child appears swelling and redness of the eyelids, hyperemia and edema conjunctiva. Eyelids get so tight that they are difficult to reveal or unscrew. At the beginning of the disease, separated from the conjunctival bag meager, serous-bloody, on the 4-5th day it becomes abundant, purulent.

    Blenorea may complicate the damage to the horn shell with the formation of purulent ulcers, in the outcome of which Belmo is formed. Perhaps the cornea is possible with the development of panophalmit, in the outcome of which the atrophy of the eyeball and blindness occurs.

    Blennorya in adults

    Eyes defeat with gonorBlennorye adults proceeds much harder. The disease occurs as a result of a drift of infection into the eyes with contaminated hands by the sick gonorads of the urinary organs or is transmitted to the surrounding items of the patient (washcloths, towels, etc.). It is usually affected by one eye, the symptoms are the same as with a balennory of newborns, but more severely pronounced, the hard lesions of the cornea are observed.

    In case of examination of patients with Blennorer, during the spuning of the age of the Pump can be splashed. Therefore, before opening the age, it is recommended to impose a cotton swab and use protective glasses.

    Treatment of Blennorera

    Most effective and have a rapid effect of antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. After washing the eye isotonic solution of sodium chloride, a solution of penicillin is buried (100,000 units per 10 ml of distilled water) 2 drops into the eye every 5-10 min. in the first two hours and then every hour during the day. Every 3 hours, a 30% sulfacyl sodium solution (albucida) is buried. Penicillin solution in generally accepted dosages intramuscularly injected. In case of adults, adults to prevent the transfer of infection in a second eye to it, they apply a protective bandage with an hour glass, the edges of which are glued with sticky plaster.

    Prevention of eye disease

    The prevention of balennores of newborns is carried out immediately after birth and lies in a thorough wiping of the eyelid with a wool moistened in a 2% ricar acid solution. Then, several reunion of eyelids, admitted to a conjunctival bag of 1 drop of a two-degree nitric acid silver solution (Lapisa). In the prevention of Blennorea, the fight against gonorrhea is of great importance.

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