Humority therapy - introduction to the body of the missing number of hormones, in order to maintain a normal hormonal background. Stay young and healthy or gradually «get used to» Klimaksu?

Klimakse implies the introduction of an additional woman in the body,
the minimum required amount of sex hormones in order to maintain
Hormonal background at a relatively constant level and development prevention Climacteric syndrome.
Age changes occurring during the climax
regret, do not please a modern woman. The skin becomes thin, dry,
Loses to the former elasticity and elasticity, on the face loose appear
wrinkles. The first manifestations of the deficit of sex hormones are becoming «riding»,
Blood pressure fluctuations, mood change, anxiety,
Reduced sexual attraction, insomnia. Hormonal changes typical for
Women in this period, reflected on her figure. Posture changes, increases markedly
weight, muscles become flabby, and body — Naughty. In the period of menopause
The threat of sugar diabetes, atherosclerosis, diseases increases
Cardiovascular and nervous system. Atrophic changes associated with
The lack of estrogen leads to thinning and dryness of the mucous membrane,
omitting internal genital organs, periodic urinary incontinence, osteoporosis development. So is it possible to avoid the manifestations of the climax and quick fading or
It is necessary to intervene in the natural process and delay the occurrence of old age with
Use hormone-hormone
Today, most of our doctors believe that the appointment of substitution hormone therapy
It is necessary if the climax proceeds with complications and is accompanied by
A sharp deterioration in the quality of the life of a woman. If the manifestations of the climax is not
give significant anxiety, interfere in the normal course of the process
Western doctors, more than 30 years using hormone therapy during menopause,
adhere to a few other opinions, considering that hormone-plating therapy allows not
only overcome the symptoms due to estrogen deficiency, but also
keeps health, prolongs young women.
What is due to the fact that women are much
more often resort to hormones, look younger and lead a more active lifestyle,
rather than our compatriots? Why our doctors fear to prescribe hormone-plating therapy
Hormonal therapy can significantly improve well-being
Women entering menopause. According to scientists
University of California, the use of hormones:
Estimates «Tide», Mood oscillations,
anxiety in 95% of cases; -
improves skin condition and hair slows down
aging; - allows you to maintain sexual activity;
- serves as the prevention of osteoporosis;
Reduces the risk of myocardial infarction on
40-50%; - reduces the risk of stroke by 40%;
Reduces the risk of developing cervical cancer and
Endometrial hyperplastic processes; -
prevents atrophic processes in the genital
organs; - extends women's life on average for 3-5 years.
It would seem, so many advantages, which prevents our women
remain healthy and young? Thirty years of experience using hormone
Therapies in gynecology indicates that hormones require careful
destination. First drugs for hormone-plating therapy along with a positive effect
caused a lot of complications. They raised the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism,
contributed to the development of breast cancer and endometrial. Today at shift
«Heavy» Hormones came the newest combined estrogen-gestagens
Preparations containing microindoses of biologically active substances that are not capable
Call serious complications. In addition, it was proved that the risk of getting
breast cancer in women hosting hormones is not much higher than
Anticipants of replacement
hormonal therapy during climax, and most often the disease is due
Insufficient diagnostic level and low medical literacy itself
women. However, it is the fact that the possibility of complications are alarming our doctors in
context of the issue of hormone-plated
Hormones can not begin to take on their own
just because they helped her friend! Recommend hormone climax hormone
can only a gynecologist after inspection, study of the history of diseases, analyzes
blood, ultrasound of genitals and mammonds and mammography. Woman accepting
hormonal drugs should visit the doctor at least once every six months, and
This is a prerequisite for the safety of hormone-plating therapy.
Unfortunately, our compatriots casually belong to
His health, quite rarely visit doctors, and to the gynecologist most often
Apply on the occasion of pregnancy, discharge or abdominal pain.
Preventive inspection for our women has not yet become a norm of life, and hope
that a woman accepting hormones will be regularly observed by a doctor,
Often, do not have.
Stay young and healthy or gradually «get used to» To
Klimax — The choice is always for a woman. You can take homeopathic
preparations, biologically active additives, use means of cosmetology, and
You can radically solve the problem and delay old age with hormone-plating therapy.
Negative attitude towards hormonal therapy during climax — Rather relic
past than objective reality. At
Direct selection of medicines and a clear fulfillment of the recommendations of the doctor Hormone
can be a real elixir of youth and health.