Male Climax


  • What is male climax?
  • Symptoms of male climax
  • Treatment of male climax

  • What is male climax?

    The highest regulation center of the work of men's sex glands (semenks) loses its sensitivity to testosterone, degenerative changes occur in the testicles.

    WHO determines the male climax as late-developed hypogonadism (deficiency of the function of the male sex glands).

    Male Climax – This is the normal physiological process of aging the body, if it is not accompanied by complaints and clinical manifestations. If complaints and changes from cardiovascular and urogenital systems appear, climax is called pathological. This state is necessarily accompanied by psycho-neurotic disorders.

    In addition to the common aging of the body, the causes of male climax are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs:

    orchit;Male Climax
  • epididimitis;
  • orchoepididimitis;
  • Egg tumors;
  • breach of blood supply to the testicles;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • toxic substances in production;
  • alcoholic intoxication;
  • Surgical castration.
  • If male climax occurs up to 45, it is considered early if after 60 years – Late.

    Symptoms of male climax

    From the side of the cardiovascular system, male climax is manifested by heartbeat, feelings of tide heat with redness of the face, hands. Dizziness may occur with the sensation of the threatening loss of consciousness, the feeling of the lack of air, the darkness in the eyes. With emotional and physical exertion, heartbeat arise, interruptions in the heart rhythm, constant new pain in the top of the heart.

    Arrive pressure drops arise. Part of patients develops a persistent increase in blood pressure and arterial hypertension.Male Climax

    There are changes on the electrocardiogram, which may require a thorough examination of the patient to eliminate more serious pathology from the heart.

    Urinary organs in the body of men are closely related to sex, so male climax is often accompanied by violations by the urogenital system. First of all, the function of genital organs decreases.

    In 90% of men there is a violation and a decrease in sexual entry (libido), a decrease in the degree and frequency of the erection, sexual weakness, impotence. Potency may decrease gradually – Calm fading.

    There is a so-called exaltation option at which accelerated ejaculation and shortening of the duration of sexual act. And the option is the neurasthenic, when the extinction of sexual function is accompanied by brightly colored negative emotions.

    The degree of manifestation of orgasmic experiences is reduced. Together with these manifestations, the volume of sperm and the amount of spermatozoa decreases.

    The tone of the bladder is weakened, which, along with an increase in the prostate gland (a benign hormonal tumor of the prostate gland, adenoma) leads to urination disorders: weakening the urine jet, slowing down urinary, dump at the end of urination, stupid bladder pain, urine delay in bladder bubble.

    Almost always male climax, as well as female, accompanied by violations by psycho-emotional sphere:

    • There is irritability over trifles, increased conflict, feeling of anxiety, fear;
    • There are stubborn headaches, dizziness, memory is reduced, the ability to concentrate and retain attention;
    • Some patients prevail the processes of excitation: flareness, irritability, an increase in blood pressure, others have weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, weakening of memory;
    • Part of the patients occurs hidden or explicit depression.

    In addition, male climax accompany various endocrine disorders.

    The extinction of the functions of the men's sex glands, testicles, leads to a decrease in the level of men's genital hormones in the blood and the opposite development of secondary male genital signs occurs: leather and muscle degros, deposition of fatty fiber typeMale ClimaxIn the field of buttocks, hips, it is possible to increase the mammary glands (gynecomastia).

    The functions of other endocrine organs are violated: the work of the thyroid gland is reduced, hypothiosis (hypothyroidism) occurs, the work of the pancreas is disturbed and diabetes can occur.

    All manifestations of Klimaks in different patients can be expressed in different ways, from minor complaints to a rapid manifestation. Usually male climax continues from 2 to 5 years, after which the complaints gradually disappear.

    Treatment of male climax

    Treatment of men's climax complex. Mode of work and recreation, diet, psychotherapeutic treatment, including autotraining, are prescribed sedatives, if necessary, antidepressants, therapeutic physical education and physiotherapeutic treatment.

    With the pronounced manifestations of Klimaks, sometimes treatment is carried out by male sex hormones – Androgen: Methyltestosterone, Testosterone, Suston.

    But the long-lasting intake of androgen leads to emergency atrophy of the testicles. If the patient is concerned about the weakening of the erection, adaptogens are appointed (ginseng, the tincture of Eleutherococcus, Aralia Manychur, Rhodiola Pink). Sometimes prozerne is prescribed, tintex, the use of ointments applied to the skin of the penis. Vitamins, beta-adrenobloclars, means that improve blood circulation and T.D.

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