How to get pregnant with ovarian polycystic?


  • Ability to get pregnant under threat
  • To welcome pregnancy – Through the operation
  • Hormone therapy instead of operation

  • Ability to get pregnant under threat

    How to get pregnant with ovarian polycystosis?Ovarian polycystic diseases - one of the hormone diseases leading to the fact that there is no ovulation in the body (the exit of the egg from the ovary) and infertility arises. Polycystic ovarian syndrome associated with an excess in the blood of the woman androgen – Male genital hormones. As a result, the mechanism of ovulation is disturbed, there is no ripening of a full-fledged egg, which means that the occurrence of pregnancy is impossible.

    To welcome pregnancy – Through the operation

    Another name of the ovarian polycystosis - Stein-Levental Syndrome. Since the 1930s, this disease is successfully treated operational way. Modern technologies allow you to replace Laparoscopic strip operations, after which the scars on the skin are practically not visible. Laparoscopy is possible with any volume of operation from the wedge-shaped resection of the ovary to electrocuserization (burning fabric by electric shock).

    Hormone therapy instead of operation

    How to get pregnant with ovarian polycystosis?In the past 30 years, after the appearance of hormonal drugs, attempts are made to oppose the operational treatment conservative, that is, hormonal therapy. The use of estrogens and gestagens in cyclic mode gave a positive effect in patients.

    Later, the drugs of progesterone series appeared, with the help of which also managed to achieve certain positive results. In the future, synthetic estrogen-gestagenic oral contraceptives began to apply. Treatment with these drugs in 20% of cases gave a positive effect and in terms of elimination of infertility, but ultimately due to recurrences.

    The revolution in hormonal treatment produced the drug with the international name of Klomiphen. Clomiphene is an anti-estrogen, which, having occupying all receptors sensitive to estrogen, leads to the recovery of ovulation about 70% of patients. But, as already well known, the ability to get pregnant was restored only in 40% of patients.

    Search for new drugs continued. Gonadotropic drugs appeared stimulating ovulation. The most famous and widely used drugs such as Metrodin, Menagon, Khragon.

    The most advanced studies make it possible to reduce the size of the ovary with the help of hypothalamic hormones regulating the work of the pituitary gland (for example, Differieline-Depot, Zoladex), followed by the appointment of the same gonadotropins (metrodine, menogona, choragon). These are very effective schemes in terms of recovery of ovulatory function by 90-95%; and the compatibility becomes pregnant - already at 50-65%!

    And now the development of fundamentally new approaches to this complex issue continues. This gives the hope of many women for which the diagnosis «infertility» still sounded like a sentence...

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