Deep Caries: Symptoms, Characteristics and Causes


    Depending on the depth and neglence of the process, 4 stages of development are distinguished, among them - deep caries, as the final stage, when the tooth root is amazed, and it is unlikely to be able to save it. Carious defeat may appear anywhere in the dental surface, the localization and complexity of species are isolated: peanant, fesurial, characteristic not only permanent, but also children's teeth.

    Deep Caries: Symptoms, Characteristics and Causes
    With deep caries, the symptoms are acute, short time and arise from all types of stimuli. Food residues have a mechanical impact on the fattened bottom of the carious cavity, pain disappears when the provocation agent is eliminated, the irradiation is not marked. If the pain does not pass with the elimination of the stimulus, they are increasingly appearing at night, they are given in the ear, temple, heads, most likely, deep caries with such symptoms complicated by a sharp diffuse pulpitis. Only a doctor can carry out the correct diagnosis and carry out adequate treatment by sampling the carious cavity, the imposition of therapeutic gasket and sealing.

    Biochemistry of primary caries: decay and conversion of dental fabrics

    In the initial caries stage, according to scientists, in dentine and enamel, different in chemical composition, tyrosine accumulates, and its destruction leads to the formation of melanin, he gives a yellowish brown color of solid tooth tissues. In the affected areas, the bioxy can be noted by an increase in protein concentration, free carbohydrates, calcium sulfate, acid hydrolysis products.

    In the final stage, when the enamel is damaged completely and deep plots of dentin are involved in the pathological process, significant morphological changes with disorders of protein, mineral and carbohydrate exchange are noted in the pulp. The carious process at this time is accompanied by dystrophy of the tooth tissue of varying degrees, which is manifested by a change in the ratio of mineralization and demineralization processes. Modern methods of electron microscopy, X-ray structural analysis allow you to look into the morphology of dental fabrics at all levels: subcelet and molecular to answer the question: «Caries is inflated or not?»

    Oral diseases can be contagious

    Previously it was believed that the caries could not be contagious that he arises strictly individually. But American scientists–Dentists have proven that bacteria causing caries contagious and can be transmitted from person to person. The most common microorganism that promotes the emergence of this dental disease is Streptococcus Mutans, he often falls towards children even from mother, for example, with kisses or licking a spoon or baby nipples. To reduce the risk of morbidity and infection, it is necessary to comply with personal hygiene, the use of high-quality chewing gum, stimulating the production of saliva, which washes off the toothflight and bacteria, dental filament, regular visits to the dentist. Only preventive measures able to protect the dental cavity of the child from the caries of dairy teeth.

    How and why treat caries of dairy teeth?

    Deep Caries: Symptoms, Characteristics and Causes
    Children's hygiene in children The carious process develops rapidly, characterized by instant defeat of several units of dentition, while kids can even talk about it, and only the fact of chewing on one side and smell of mouth, should alert parents. At this time, white or gray-brown spots appear on the teeth, there is a painful reaction to hot and cold. The causes of the development of a children's carious process can be:

    • incorrect;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • parents-carrier germs;
    • low degree of mineralization;
    • Incorrect use of the nipple.

    Parents are still not in a hurry to seek the answer to the question: «How to treat caries of dairy teeth?», Naively believing that the teeth will still fall out, not considering the features of the children's carious process and, especially important: how to treat? Caries of dairy teeth, bitter tears of kids and serious treatment can be avoided, regularly visiting a children's dentist. After all, if the pathological process is found at the initial stage, the enamel of the child will be protected from destruction using fluorulak or silver fluoride, the procedures are painless and in time not very long, not more than 30 minutes while the child «Not tired to be treated».

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