What is an apoplexy of the ovary? What are the symptoms of the apoplexy of the ovary? What are the reasons for the apoplexy of the ovary? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
What is an apoplexy of the ovary
Ovarian apoplexy (ovarian break) - sudden break
(integrity violation) ovarian tissue, accompanied by bleeding in
Abdominal cavity and painful syndrome.
Among the causes of intra-abdominal bleeding, 0.5-2.5% falls on the apoplexy of the ovary.
There are 3 forms of apoplexy of the ovary depending on the prevailing symptoms:
However, according to modern data, this classification is considered defective, since the ovarian break without bleeding is impossible.
Therefore, this pathology is currently divided into several
Degrees of gravity: light, medium and heavy (depending on the value
blood loss).
What are the symptoms of the apoplexy of the ovary
Clinical symptoms of apoplexy are associated with the main mechanism for the development of this pathology:
Pain syndrome that occurs primarily in
middle cycle or after a minor menstruation delay (when
Raznaya Yellow Body Cysts, for example). Pain most often localized in
Lower stomach departments. Sometimes pains can irradiate in the rectum,
in a lumbar or umbilical area.
Bleeding in the abdominal cavity that may be accompanied by:
- Reduced pressure,
- increasing pulse,
- Weakness and dizziness,
- syncopal states,
- chills, increasing body temperature up to 38°WITH,
- Single vomiting,
- dry mouth.
Frequently enough, the apoplexy of the ovary occurs
After sexual intercourse or classes in the gym, that is, when
certain conditions when pressure in the abdominal cavity increases and
Perhaps a violation of the integrity of the ovarian tissue. However, the rupture of the ovary
may occur and on the background of full health.
What are the reasons for the apoplexy of the ovary
The reasons contributing to the emergence of apoplexy of the ovary:
- Pathological changes of vessels (varicose expansion, sclerosis).
- Previous inflammatory ovarian fabric processes.
- Moment of ovulation.
- The stage of vascularization of the yellow body (the middle and the second phase of the cycle).
Risk factors contributing to the emergence of apoplexy of the ovary:
- Injury.
- Lifting weight or severe physical activity.
- Stormy sex.