Watermelon diet

Among the many monopproduct diets, watermelon is one of the most productive. But before exposing its body to such a serious test, it is worth ensuring that there are no contraindications and presence of the Will's Rail Force. Watermelon diet helped many women to find the desired slim figure and clean the body from slags.

Since the watermelon diet relates to a monoproduct type, that is, it involves the use of only one product, it causes the body, to put it mildly, strong discomfort. Just imagine that your diet will consist only of sweet fruit water. It is difficult to survive, both morally and physically. It is for this reason that the watermelon diet has such a short duration. But more on that later. Now it is worth understanding why it is watermelon who contributes to the loss of weight and purification of the body?

Why watermelon?

Watermelon, Watermelon Diet, Diet, Monday, Slimming

The first and most important reason lies in the low calorie content of this giant berry. Per 100 grams of watermelon account for only 38 kilocalories, and to improve to the dump, a person is enough 400-500 grams of product.

As is known, watermelon has a powerful diuretic effect on the body, deriving an extra liquid, and with it harmful substances accumulated over the period of incorrect power supply. Simply put, watermelon juice makes in the body «Wet cleaning». But this lies a serious danger to people with weak kidneys or diseases of the genitourinary system. Excessive load can provoke aggravation and lead to undesirable consequences. If you do not have such problems, but on the second or third day of the watermelon diet there were painful sensations in the field of kidneys, you should immediately interrupt the course and just in case check the condition of the internal organs. Perhaps the watermelon diet will help to prevent the development of serious diseases.

Weight Loss In the first couple of days, the watermelon diet will occur precisely due to the removal of excess fluids, along with which harmful salt sediments go. Thus, the course helps to lose weight and conduct major cleaning of the joints.

Watermelon perfectly suppresses a feeling of hunger, stomaching the stomach liquid to failure. This is an illusory feeling, but it can save if a person is unable to control the meal in reasonable quantities.

The sweet taste of berries also has great importance. Scientists have conducted studies that showed that the human brain is faster receiving a signal about satiety, if sweet food is in the stomach. Therefore, many is much easier to move the cleaning of the watermelon diet than cucumber.

Rules of watermelon diet

Watermelon, Watermelon Diet, Diet, Monday, Slimming

On a day you can eat up to one and a half kilograms of watermelon, biting it with crackers or lean loaves. Do not drink black tea with sugar and coffee (even without sugar). If you really want, in the morning you can drink a cup of green tea with lemon or mate. So cut off a piece of watermelon, squeeze the crackers and distribute it «wealth» all day.

Watermelon diet can last a maximum of 3-4 days. Ideally, the body is enough and two days to bring the entire possible number of salts, toxins and slags. Unfortunately, many girls who want to lose weight quickly think that if you hold out on the watermelon diet week, they will be still slimmer and healthier. This is wrong. The body will be exhausted, and kilograms will return in the blink of an eye.

It should be remembered that the watermelon diet does not help remove fat from the body. With it, you get rid of excess fluids and prepare yourself to a more serious step. Remove fat sediments can only sports and moderate healthy nutrition. No diet is capable of it, except for regular physical exertion, so that a slim figure must be earned in the sweat of the face.

But if you resort to watermelon unloading regularly, every 5-6 days, then centimeters from the waist will begin to gradually leave. But in this case, it is necessary to strictly control the volume of its diet in the breaks between diets, otherwise the kilograms will return doubly. MyMedinform.COM warns that the appetite will have to fight anyway. So if you «Unloaded» Watermelon on Monday, then in a day or two you certainly want to eat additive to lunch or pamper yourself with a sandwich for the night. Result, as with any diet, depends on the force of will.

Useful recommendations

Choose small watermelons so that there is no temptation to eat more than necessary, as well as that the rest is not spoiled.

It is best to sit on a watermelon diet at the end of the summer, when the berries are ripe naturally, and not due to chemicals. Benefit from «Chemical» Watermelons will not be any, but the risk is very great. It is better to drink water than to eat such a dubious product.

Do not buy cracked watermelons! This berry is a magnificent natural absorbent that absorbs all the surrounding volatile substances and smells. Therefore, if you saw that cracked or split watermelons are sold near the road, you can be sure that in addition to the vitamins there are plenty «Urban chemicals».

What is useful watermelon

Watermelon, Watermelon Diet, Diet, Monday, Slimming

Watermelon almost completely consists of water, but the tiny fraction of the pulp (only 10-15%) is enough to ensure the mass of the useful substances. A distinctive feature of the watermelon juice from all the others is that there are no sacrament sugars in it, requiring insulin in the body. For this reason, watermelons can be equipped with people even with sharp diabetes, however, in small quantities.

Also, watermelon contains a complex of mineral salts that help the body support the water-salt balance, no way harming the state of the kidneys.

The fiber or the same watermelon flesh contributes to the normalization of intestinal motility. Berry simple «Putting» powerful antioxidants that have rejuvenating, and some even anti-cancer effect! There are many such substances in watermelon, but their concentration is quite insignificant, so they do not provide a pronounced effect.

Watermelons are useful for young nursing mothers, because they contribute to the production of breast milk and provide its useful substances for the baby.

200 grams of watermelon pulp contains daily magnesium rate. Recall that magnesium contributes to the suction of nutrients from food and beverages, so the use of watermelon with fruits, cereal and fermented products is very useful. In addition, magnesium contributes to strengthening nerves and muscles. A person gets less tired, feels cheerful all day and is in good spirit.

Not so long ago, scientists find out that watermelon favorably affects potency, acting several times more powerful Viagra! There is a special substance in the berry pulp - Citrullin. Dissolving in the intestines, it turns into arginine, strongly expanding blood vessels.

Our site has already mentioned above about contraindications, but I would like to add something else. Often, pregnant women are recommended to eat more watermelon, because it contains the required amount of vitamin B9 in natural form. In the first months of pregnancy, watermelon will bring colossal benefit, but then it is better to refuse him, because the fruit will increase and put pressure on the bladder. At the end of pregnancy, future mothers are already complaining about too frequent trips to the toilet, and the load from watermelon can only aggravate the situation.

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