Hypoxia fruit

Waiting for a child - the brightest and exciting stage in the life of every woman. This is the time of pleasant experiences and hopes, when I don't want to think about bad, and the future mother is not ready to perceive bad news about health - your or baby. However, the reality of an inexorable: no one is insured against unpleasant, and sometimes terrible diagnoses. One of them - hypoxia.

Why fruit «Pants»

Pregnancy, hypoxia, fetal hypoxia, oxygen deficiency, oxygen starvation

The essence of this abnormal state lies in the title: translated from the ancient Greek «Hypoxia» - lack of air. Hypoxia is not a separate disease, but the result of pathological deviations that comprehensively proceed in the tandem «Mother - child».

Among the reasons provoking the hypoxia of the fetus, the following are distinguished:

  1. Anemia, When the hemoglobin level in the blood is dramatically reduced. As a result, the tissues of the body do not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen - the red blood cells, which are transferred, cease to fully act.
  2. If a woman suffers from acquired or congenital heartfelt vice, myocardial pathology, chronic violations in the work of the lungs, pregnancy aggravates the course of these diseases. Blood circulation deteriorates, the tissue microcirculation dysfunction appears in the body of the future mother, which naturally cannot but affect the state of the placenta and the fetus.
  3. Asthma of different etiologies, frequent Bronchitis And other problems associated with the respiratory system, primarily have a negative impact on the state of the future mother and her child. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the kidneys and diabetes Also can be the basis for the emergence of respiratory dysfunction in the mother, which immediately affects the growth of the fetus.
  4. Often, the problem of oxygen starvation is related directly to the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy. Thus, the pathology of fruit and placental blood circulation, transferred pregnancy, the threat of premature births, the pathology of the placenta and umbilical cord, complications during the delivery of the fetus of hypoxia.
  5. Sometimes the reason for the hypoxia of the fetus lies in the features of the state of the future infant. Oxygen starvation becomes the result of hemolytic «dissonance» (incompatibility of mother and child blood groups), fetal infection, congenital malformations, long-term pressure on the head in the process of childbirth.

Lee hypoxia is dangerous?

Pregnancy, hypoxia, fetal hypoxia, oxygen deficiency, oxygen starvation

To confirm the lack of oxygen, specialists use in several ways.

Cardiotocography (CTG) Conduct itself as a highly informative method for diagnosing the state of the fetus in the mother's womb. All indicators are displayed on the cardiomonitor. The doctor pays attention to the heart rate frequency and the active movements of the kid, which are displayed on the monitor screen in the form of two charts. At the same time, the device fixes and displays the character of the uterine contractions. The verdict on the state of the child is based on the relationship of his heartbeat with movements or battles. The study is relevant on the period of 32 weeks. In addition, the KTG method is often used in the delivery process.

Doppler method It evaluates the condition and rate of blood circulation in the vesicle grid in the placenta and in the umbilical cord, the violation of which provokes the formation of hypoxia.

Ultrasound (ultrasound research) is a necessary method of survey. To detect the hypoxia of the fetus, the composition, volume and color of the octoper waters, since all the time before birth is the fruit «Lives» In an aquatic environment, which displays all changes in its condition. Ultrasound provides reliable information about the nature of the accumulative water.

Amnioscopy - The method by which experts get the opportunity to explore the lower part of the fetal bubble. To do this, a special endoscopic device is introduced into the cervical channel. Tint, transparency, amount of accumulating waters, the appearance of the primary lubrication flakes, the presence of meconia is the main parameters for evaluating the state of the fetus.

Amniotic fluid color - weighty indicator «Wellness» kid in the womb. Evaluate it after the spindle water will be held. The norm is considered almost transparent water without any shade. When the Mekonia (original chair) of the fetus stains them in green - this is a sure sign of oxygen deficiency.

Treatment of oxygen deficiency

Pregnancy, hypoxia, fetal hypoxia, oxygen deficiency, oxygen starvation

Future mom with suspicion of chronic oxygen starvation should be hospitalized or sent to the study of the state of the fetus in order to find out the factors that provoked the hypocia of the fetus.

If a woman has no contraindications, it will benefit to her aquagimnastics and complexes of various respiratory gymnastics. These activities reduce the tension of the uterus, strengthen the metabolism in the organisms of mothers and the fetus, contribute to the consumption of more oxygen by the future kid.

In the case of chronic intrauterine hypoxia for a pregnant woman, bedding is of paramount importance - it stimulates good blood supply to the uterus. It is very important to identify that disease that caused the development of hypoxia of the fetus. Its treatment should be started immediately. In addition, conduct a number of events to improve the supply of a child with oxygen and normalize metabolism.

With the help of medicines adjust:

  • expanding the lumen of the vessels of the uterine-placental and fruit-placental sections of the placenta (eufillin and but-shp);
  • Weakening of the uterine tone (Ginipral, Magne-B6);
  • Normalization of blood rheological quality between mother, placenta and fruit (Trental, Actovegin).

Using mixtures of amino acids and proteins, normalize metabolic processes. Structural and functional properties of cell membranes are maintained using essential and hofitol. The resistance of the nervous system and fabrics of the fetus lack of oxygen is raised due to antihypoxants and neuroprotectors.

If the treatment does not bring visible results and the status indicators are deteriorating on time from 28 weeks, discuss the possibility of emergency delivery through operation cesarean section.

Births must be controlled by cardiomonitorial monitoring of the child. This approach makes it possible to track doctors on time «Flash» acute hypoxia and decide on the further tactics of childbirth.

Prevention of futy hypoxia

Pregnancy, hypoxia, fetal hypoxia, oxygen deficiency, oxygen starvation

You can avoid this serious illness, if you adhere to a number of simple rules:

  • regularly visiting the attending physician;
  • a lot of rest;
  • Not for two - the number of calories consumed should be about 1500 kcal per day;
  • master the aquaigimnastics or a special complex of breathing exercises for pregnant women, after consulting with the attending physician.
  • If the future mother has chronic diseases, it must closely monitor well-minded and immediately contact the doctor in case of deterioration of its condition.

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