Children's gynecologist - «scary» doctor


  • The first and subsequent visits to the doctor
  • Why girls afraid of gynecologists
  • How to prepare a child for visiting a gynecologist

  • The first and subsequent visits to the doctor

    Surely all women remember their first visit to the gynecologist. As a rule, it is due to either a disease or pregnancy, but in any case, an overwhelming majority of representatives of weak gender, an acquaintance with the gynecologist did not take place in childhood. Few of women know that there is such a doctor - a children's gynecologist and that the first visit to Him should take place long before the emergence of problems or difficulties in sexual sphere.

    For the first time, the genitals are inspected immediately after birth, but the main purpose of such an inspection is to determine the sex of the child. Subsequently, all girls must pass two more inspections: before entering school, that is, in 6-7 years, and in the pubertal period, that is, in 10-12 years. After that, according to statistics, the following meeting with the gynecologist is postponed until the emergence of any diseases or deviations. But so many problems with intimate health can be avoided if from 14 years to teach the girl once a year to visit the gynecologist, independently or under the supervision of parents. Prior to this age, it is recommended to show a child with a specialist once every two or three years to follow physiological development. It is important to remember that any girl is born with the same «Set» genital organs, what is an adult woman. This means that many diseases, congenital or acquired, can be identified already in early childhood. Doctors say that from 15 to 25% of adolescence girls suffer from those or other gynecological pathologies: Moma, cysts, menstrual disorders, inflammation of the genital organs. The earlier start treatment, the greater the chances that the reproductive function of the future adult woman will be able to save.

    Why girls afraid of gynecologists

    Children's gynecologist - & laquo; scary & raquo; doctorGirls have persistent prejudice against gynecologists, which is based on the incorrect sex education. The fact that Mom did not explain the daughter in time, who is such a gynecologist, why should it be visited, leads to sad consequences - girls draw information from unreliable sources: little informed girlfriends, dubious literature, Internet, rumors, and so on. As a result, in the children's consciousness, unreasonable fear is formed before «Terrible aunt», which forces «Sacrifice» To climb «scary chair» and brings to fainting in one type «scary iron pieces». It is necessary to clarify the child that there is nothing terrible in the inspection that the doctor does not cause pain, will not make a climb on the chair and will not enter into the tools. As a rule, a children's gynecologist examines the patient by Palpation: Takes the tummy, checks the rectum. To help the mirror or vaginoskop, it resorts only in the most extreme case, and it also uses special devices that are much smaller than for adult ladies. This guarantees the absence of painful sensations, and the preservation of the integrity of the virgin splava.

    Another reason for which girls experience fear of the gynecologist, lies in the early early sex life. Child logic is simple: «After examination, the doctor finds out that I am not a virgin, and will tell my parents». This is a completely erroneous opinion, since the doctor has no right to disclose such information without the consent of the patient itself.

    How to prepare a child for visiting a gynecologist

    Before you bring the girl to the gynecologist for the first time, it is necessary to prepare it for inspection and primarily psychologically. Each child is individual, and mom needs to try to find the right approach to your child.

    On the one hand, make a visit to the doctor as comfortable as possible, and on the other not overdo it with the injection of fear and anxiety. On a visit to the doctor is better to come mom and daughter, not a grandmother or nurse. This will protect the situation, creating the necessary emotional defense and will help a doctor in work, in particular when collecting information.

    What should know and understand mom:

    • Visit to the doctor is a completely natural event.
    • No manipulation in the children's gynecologist's office cannot damage the child or cause pain.
    • Clear and affordable information is much better than covered with the veil of mystery and ambiguity of the upcoming visit.
    • In order to understand what the child is afraid to talk to him about it. The more confident and calmly feels mom, the calmer the child will feel.
    • When talking about the coming visit to the doctor, a gynecologist with a teenage daughter appropriate to apply to his own experience, finding out what exactly worries and causes the concerns of the girl: shame, insecurity in the painlessness of manipulations, fears related to the state of health, the possibility of publicity.
    • It is necessary to pay attention to hygiene issues. If the child is small, then the whole responsibility to go to the mother, the teenage girl is able to fulfill the necessary events that Mom must tell her.

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