Cleansing the body

Did you feel that something is wrong with your body? It seems you are not ill, and something is wrong... And the strength seems to be not those, and your favorite food is not happy and everyone got at work. Why it all suddenly fell on you? Your body signals that too many slags and toxins accumulated in the body. The time of cleansing the body.

Cleansing the body
Did you feel that something is wrong with your body? It seems you are not ill, and something is wrong... And the strength seems to be not those, and your favorite food is not happy and everyone got at work. Why it all suddenly fell on you? Answers may be somewhat. Either this is the beginning of some disease or stress, or your body signals that too many slags and toxins accumulated in the body. If so, then it's time to purify the body.

Why need cleansing? The fact is that we live for many years in unimportant environmental conditions, eat semi-finished products, breathe out of machines, and they also smoke and drink periodically... Naturally, the body is unable to cope with such a cargo of ballast substances and over time they begin to postpone on the walls of the vessels, inside the articular bags, in the kidneys and the bustling bubble in the form of stones and T. D. Clear the body means to hold a number of procedures that will provoke the movement of slags and withdrawing them from the body.

Many chronic diseases may be a consequence of clasp. To get rid of them, you need to cleanse the slags. Cleansing occurs in stages. First need Clear intestines, Then liver I kidney, That is, all systems that are responsible for the withdrawal of harmful substances from the body. In this article, our site would like to talk about the most common (and simple) methods of cleaning the body, and in subsequent materials in more detail at each stage (intestinal cleaning, liver and kidney).

Cleansing the body by starvation

Long fasting should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor
Perhaps the most simple and affordable is the cleansing of our body by starvation. Man for a while (3-5 days) stops eating food. It is quite difficult, during this period a person appears some weakness, drowsiness, driers. If the feeling becomes intolerable, the hunger strike is better to interrupt. But if you easily tolerate hunger, gradually bring the hunger strike to 7 and even 10 days. Gradually - it means for two to three weeks you do not eat only one day a week. Then once a month is starving three days in a row, and another month later (saving one unloading day per week) you can spooled 5 days. According to the allegations of the famous propagandist of a healthy lifestyle g.NS. Malakhova, True starvation begins only for 4 days. Prior to this, the body lives due to accumulated carbohydrate reserves.
If you suffer from a chronic disease, long fasting should be carried out only under the supervision of the doctor. To do this, exist wellness centers specializing in Medical starvation. If it is not possible to get high-quality medical observation, it is better not to starve for a long time, and not only one or two days a week.

Not only cleans, but also lose weight

During starvation, fat is burned, and slags come out of the body naturally
Naturally, the weight is intensively reduced during starvation. The body is released from working on digesting food and resulting from slags. In adipose tissue, the metabolism is very slow, so in the fat of ballast substances most. When the body is deprived of food, the stocks of fat go. Fat is burned, and slags come out of the body naturally. Pathogenic microflora, which is in the intestine of each person, during starvation is deprived of daily «soldering» and dies, and its place is occupied by beneficial bacteria. How do they come from there? They live in the intestine constantly, as well as putrid bacteria, but as a result of starvation, the useful microflora begins to dominate. As a result, after the hunger strike, you will feel that problems with the intestines that have tormented you for a long time, somewhere disappeared.

The body is cleaned, come out of the hunger strike

In the first day after the hunger strike, there are vegetable salads and fruits
The right way out of fasting is very important. After a long hunger strike, it is impossible to remember. In the first day after a 5-7-day hunger strike, there are vegetable salads (refilled by lemon juice or vegetable oil, but not mayonnaise), raw fruits and vegetables. Moreover, the first portions of food should be no more than one or two spoons... An hour later, the spoon and t. D. Within two days, bring a portion of salad to half of your usual portion. Do not forget that during starvation the volume of the stomach decreases, and you will be easily saturated with a much smaller number of food than before the hunger strike. To preserve the result of the hunger strike (a clear mind, perfectly working intestines, clean skin), you need to constantly withstand a certain diet in nutrition. In food, it is necessary to give preference to vegetables and fruits, if possible, exclude fried, oily, flour minimized. Senior people should be completely eliminated from the diet fresh milk, eggs, all heavy food. Of course, it is advisable to completely abandon smoking and, if possible, not to drink alcohol.

Cleansing the body using biodeadows and other drugs

Bioduds help to compensate for the lack of microelements required by our body
Now selling a huge amount of various means for cleansing the body. All manufacturers advise to start with intestinal cleaning. This is not meaningless. After all, the incorrectly working intestine can cause a lot of different diseases. Honestly, I'm scary to advise something in this area...

Each manufacturer scares us the terrible consequences of clusters of slags in the body and argues that it is their proprietary tool that will help quickly and easily clean the body. For example, Tianshi Health System. Adherents of this system argue that all our troubles come from the accumulation of mucus in different parts of the body. The mucus in the field of small pelvis - will get prostatitis or cervical cancer... etc. Then the ads should be advertising, which for 2 (!) the weeks completely clean the body from slags that have been copied for years. Doubtful...

Bioduds (on each bubble should be inscription «Not medicine») may be a serious help in cleansing the body. Quality dietary supplements help compensate for the lack of most trace elements of the necessary our organism, for example, such as selenium. In the biodevices contain substances causing the death of rotten bacteria, cleansing the intestinal wall. Some even contain useful bifidobacteria. It is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of these drugs, without having experienced their action on yourself. But one thing is important: do not be neglected by biodoxes as a source of important trace elements, which are difficult to get from our daily food.

So, you got acquainted with the most accessible ways to purify the body. In the following articles, our site will consider in detail the methods of cleaning the most important «Filters» body, let's start, of course, From cleansing the intestines. And then, of course, let's talk about the purification of the kidneys and liver.

Stay with us and be healthy!

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