Ten steps on the path to the climax


  • Ten steps on the path to the climax

  • But the climax does not mean at all «end of the world» And our life with you. It is not necessary to be afraid, as this is the same natural process as the beginning of menstruation or childbirth.

    In order for this long period of his life, a woman can spend calmly, it is necessary to take a number of measures that will help her to preserve their health to deep old age. Ten steps described below will help you boldly and confidently meet the onset of Klimaks.

    Ten steps on the path to the climax

    • Check the level of cholesterol in the blood (make analysis to the lipid complex) and continue to keep these indicators under control;Ten steps on the path to the climax
    • Determine the blood sugar content to install whether there is no diabetes in the latent (hidden) form;
    • Check blood pressure in the morning and evening time and in the future it is from time to time to measure pressure;
    • make an ultrasound study of bone density with the aim of early detection of osteoporosis. This is especially important for those whose blood relatives were sick of this disease;
    • make a mammogram and monthly spend a self-control of the state of your breast (clarify whether there is no hereditary predisposition to the breast cancer);
    • control their weight, supporting it at the optimal level moderate power with the restriction of animal fats, carbohydrates, salts and alcohol, prevent obesity;
    • Smoking women as soon as possible abandon this dangerous habit;
    • pass inspection at the gynecologist, make a smear and ultrasound research of reproductive organs;
    • regularly engage in gymnastics, make hiking at least 30 minutes 5 times a week;
    • Discuss with the doctor research results and feasibility of adopting additional measures, in particular hormone-plating therapy, during the period of restructuring the body.

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