Nowadays the aircraft is a convenient means of movement. Trying to save time, people resort to this type of transport, thinking little about the fact that frequent flights negatively affect health.

constant lack of time people are constantly trying to save it. Little go
on foot, preferring cars or public transport. Previously, the journey
From the city to the city took a few days, now there are a read hours. Now,
to be in the most remote point of the planet, just get on the plane,
spend there a few hours and you are in the destination!
And let's
Recall your feelings after the flight...
Feet, discomfort from a long and uncomfortable body position in the chair
aircraft, shoes that suddenly became «Testern».
Few people think that frequent flights, especially for long distances,
can be very dangerous for our health.
It is important to know that long finding
In a larger condition, during travel, increases the risk of thrombosis in 2
times. And every 2 hours of flight increase the risk of blood clots on
Still S
Middle of the last century, the medical community began to regard venous
thromboembolic complications (blood clots) as a potential complication
Travel over long distances by air or land.
And in 2001
year medical journal «The Lancet» published statistics that 1 million Cases
TGV (deep vein thrombosis) related With airfare, Take place in the USA
annually, and that 100,000 of these cases lead to of death!
The modern world, as a rule, air passengers do not use medicinal
means to protect the veins of the lower extremities with airfares, often not even
knowing about such a need. And official statistics confirms that about 2
Millions of air passengers need such protection.
Low extremities are influenced by low oxygen concentration,
Low air humidity and low partial pressure, which increases
Blood viscosity and increases the risk of developing the thrombosis of the deep vein system
lower limbs that can lead to pulmonary thromboembolism
To the mainstream
The risk factors of the occurrence of thrombosis can be attributed — Chronic venous insufficiency, prolonged immobilization and frequent
Air travel duration of more than 4 hours.
Some methods helping to prevent the development of blood stagnation in the veins of the legs.
These include physical activity during flight, consumption
sufficient liquid (water),
Refusal of alcohol, sleeping pills and sedatives, restriction
Taking hypotensive tools. Wearing B
Flight with light, not constraintful movement of clothes and shoes and compression linen.
fulfill all these tips correctly and it will help reduce those unpleasant
the sensations that we get after a long flight. And you can approach
The issue of protecting his veins professionally!
For this
An innovative drug was developed Thrombovazim®2
Thrombovazim® — first
Preparation for intake, reducing swelling, pain and weight in the legs and
Dissolving thrombus.
Thanks to its basic properties Thrombovazim® able to create conditions in
vessels in which the risk of blood cloves is reduced.
2 capsules to each flight will help reliably protect the lower vessels
limbs and reduce the manifestations of edema. Comfortable packaging (4 capsules) easy
fit in your purse or portfolio and will provide you with protection for all time
Contraindications need to be familiar with the instructions before applying.