What is an apoplexy of the ovary


Ovarian apoplexy, symptoms and diagnostics

Apoplex ovarian (ovarian hematoma, bleeding
From the ovary, the gap of the cyst of the yellow body, the ovarian infarction, the ovarian break)
- Hemorrhage to the ovary, accompanied by its gap and bleeding
in the abdominal cavity.

Arises due to pathological changes of vessels (varicose
Expansion, sclerosis) against the background of the preceding inflammatory process.
Most often occurs at the time of ovulation or in the stage of vascularization
Yellow Body (Mid and Second Cycle Phase). The provoking role is played
injury, lifting weight, stormy sexual intercourse.

The disease begins suddenly Among the complete
Health. There are sharp pains at the bottom of the abdomen, then pain
applies to all the stomach and can keep up, rear pass,
Inguinal region.

As intra-painting bleeding increases, signs of blood loss arise:

  • Pallitude of the skin and mucous,
  • Reduced arterial pressure,
  • shock.

Normal bodies. There is a bloating and painfulness of the abdomen, especially in
His lower departments. Most often apoplexy occurs in the middle
menstrual cycle (approximately 12-15 days) or in the second
Half cycles.

What is an apoplexy of the ovaryWhen apoplexy is necessary
immediately take a horizontal position and urgently cause «Ambulance
help» for hospitalization in surgical or gynecological
hospitals. Before the doctor's arrival, in no case can no
anesthetic drugs, apply an ice and heating ground with a belly
Warm water.

Diagnosis represents significant difficulties,
Since the symptoms of apoplexy are similar to the symptoms of ectopic
pregnancy, acute inflammation of appendages or acute appendicitis. IN
The conditions of the modern clinic are often resorted to the diagnostic
laparoscopy; with intra-abdominal bleeding make puncture through
Rear vaginal arch.

Laboratory diagnostics is carried out
With the help of fluorescent specific antiserum, which
Color the smears of a distant ulcer, a delicate of lymph nodes,
Cultures obtained on blood agar.

There are two forms of apoplexy: without bleeding in
Abdominal cavity and with intra-painted bleeding. With absence
pronounced internal bleeding and collapse is possible conservative
Tactic (peace, cold on the bottom of the abdomen). With increasing phenomena
Internal bleeding is shown operation - laparotomy, resection
ovarian. At the same time, it is necessary to compensate blood loss (repentancefusion,
transfusion of donor blood, blood substitutes), if necessary
Cardiovascular preparations are injected. Operation in early deadlines often
Provides a favorable outcome.

Prevention method: in
Family, where one child is already sick, diagnose deficit is possible
glucocerebrosidase in amniotic fluid cells, while
It is recommended to interrupt pregnancy.

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