How to Cause Monhly

With the problem of an irregular monthly cycle, every woman faces sooner or later. Causes can be different, but sometimes you need to cause menstruation to restore the normal cycle or «live through» Its quickly before an important event. In this article, our site will introduce you to several effective methods for causing monthly.

Causes of delay

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There are many Causes of menstruation delay, But all of them can be grouped by dividing into physiological (natural) and pathological (unnatural).

Physiological reasons:

  1. Pregnancy is the most obvious and natural reason for the delay. As a rule, menstruation delay is accompanied by exacerbation of taste, frequent nausea and vomiting, Pain in chest.
  2. Lactation - In the process of breastfeeding in the body of a woman, an excessive amount of prolactin is produced blocking natural ovulation. As soon as breastfeeding ends, the cycle is normalized after 1-2 months.
  3. Paulic ripening - in the process of restructuring the body of the delay are natural and do not require interference or treatment. As a rule, delays occur over the first pair of years after the first monthly. This is a purely individual phenomenon, after which the cycle is normalized.
  4. Premenophaus - condition before the onset of menopause in women older than 45 years. Delays Each time becomes longer, the organism is restructuring.

Call monthly, female health, monthly delay, menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly

Before resorting to a menstruation call, MyMedinform.COM recommends to make sure that you are not pregnant. Otherwise there is a miscarriage.

Methods of causing monthly homes:

  1. Reception in large quantities of vitamin C contributes to the speedy occurrence of menstruation. This vitamin takes part in the development of the female hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the structure of the internal uterine layer. Large doses cause compressions of the layers of the uterus and provoke menstruation. Vitamin C is contained in citrus, parsley, currants, ginger. You can use both raw products or decoctions and vitamins with a high content of vitamin.
  2. Reception aspirin. When one-day delay appears to open 2 tablets Aspirin and dilute in 100 ml of water. Add 0.5 Article. L. Sugar and 0.5 st. L. Honey. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved and have a volley.
  3. Celery eating. It includes apiol, stimulating the reduction of the uterine layer. In addition, it stimulates the blood circulation of the pelvic and uterine region, contributing to the speedy occurrence of menstruation.
  4. If once a day for a week, eat one papaya fetus, menstruation will come faster than the deadline. Carotine in its composition contributes to improved uterine circulation. If there is no possibility to eat papaya, it can be replaced by its conventional carrot or raw pumpkin.
  5. Heating with compresses. It is necessary to put a warm compress on the bottom of the abdomen or take a hotbed bath for several days in a row for 15-20 minutes. All the time drinking boiled warm water.

How to cause monthly herbs:

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  1. Dyagil is one of the most popular herbs for causing menstruation. Natural components of Dyagil activate blood circulation in the uterus and the pelvic region. Nasty or decoction of Dyagil you can not only cause monthly, but also normalize the cycle.
  2. Black Stebelist - used for a long time to improve the uterine circulation. Restores the cycle and promotes stimulation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrial).
  3. Motherboard - a decoction of the dying or reception of diluted in water drops of pharmaceutical dyeing promotes soft uterine stimulation.
  4. White peony - eliminates the uterine stagnation in the absence of menstruation.
  5. Abrahamovo Tree (Witex) - normalizes the female hormonal balance. It can be taken with any disorders of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, the reception rate lasts several months.

Vitamins and trace elements affecting the health of the female body

Call monthly, female health, monthly delay, menstrual cycle, menstruation, monthly

Iron - Lack of iron in the body causes serious health problems. Ovulation, ovarian functioning, cycle regularity depends on. To maintain iron level, you need to eat animal food (meat, bird, fish) and vegetable (sunflower seeds, salad, parsley, celery).

Vitamin C - affects the development of estrogen, which is directly involved in the formation of the inner layer of the uterus. Contained in citrus, red pepper, strawberry, tea carcade.

B. Vitamins B - normalize hormonal balance. Contained in sheet cabbage, seaweed, vegetables, basilica, spirulina.

Essential fatty acids - produce women's hormones. Contained in the seed of flax, walnuts, salmon meat, sardines, halves, scallops, in the liver cod.

Cholesterol - Also participates in the production of hormones. Cholesterol is necessary for the female body in small quantities, so that strict low-lived diets can have a detrimental effect on health. Maintain cholesterol levels by using olive oil, coconut oil, solid yogurts and kefir.

Cellulose - Stabilizes hormonal imbalance, eliminating excessive amounts of hormones. Contained in fresh fruits and vegetables, greenery, legumes.

Zinc - regulates menstrual cycle, stabilizes the hormonal balance. Contained in oysters, pumpkin seeds, sesame seed.

Before using any means, be sure to consult your doctor!

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