Heartbeat in the infant
About the 25th day after Conception Begins to form a tiny heart of the fetus in the maternal womb. The first declining movements at the 6th week can already be fixed when the transvaginal inspection on the ultrasound.
The usual inspection, called transabdomial, will show the heartbeat on the 7th week. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetal heart rhythm is very changing. For example, after the start of ripples, the rhythm can range from 110 to 130 beats per minute. Starting from the 8th week, the heart rate increases to 180. And already on the period of 12 obstetric weeks of the heart rate decreases and normalizes ranging from 140 to 160 shots per minute. These indicators will be fixed up to delivery.
Such impermanence of heart rhythm in the early period of pregnancy is the norm and speaks of the formation of the work of the nervous system, which will further be responsible for the functioning of other organs. Cardiac frequency indicates the viability of the fetus and is an important indicator. For example, if the rhythm slows down to 90 shots or, on the contrary, increases to 200, then this may talk about the presence of pathology. In this situation, you need immediate diagnosis of all reasons. If the embryo, the size of 7 mm is not observed heart abbreviations, then in obstetric practice it is called Measuring pregnancy.
When determining the floor of the child on heartbeat, you need to be guided by the above information. Folk diagnostic methods is better to use after the 20th week of pregnancy, when the rhythm must already become even.
Heart definition
Some noticed that the boys and girls in the stomach of the mother lie in different ways, it is associated with the features of their development. If the heartbeat is fixed by the right side, then there will be a girl, the slam - boy. However, the unreliability of this method is that in the early grades of pregnancy, the baby is pretty spacious in the uterus, and he can constantly move in different directions. That's why, with each visit to the female consultation, the heartbeat listens to the left, on the right.
It is always necessary to remember that the results of the floor determination of the fetal fetal is significant only until the 5th month of pregnancy. At later deadlines, it is impossible, because, the closer the child's heart begins to fight the heart.
Trying to determine the sex of the child in this way, you need to be extremely attentive and careful. It is necessary to know that the work of a tiny heart depends on the set of features of the development of the fetus and its current state. For example, if the kid booder is at the moment, then his heart beats much more often. If he sleeps, the heartbeat slows down. When the oxygen is shortened, cardiac rhythm changes independently of the boy is or a girl. Other disorders in the intrauterine development of the fetus are also affected by the nature of the heartbeat. That's why you need to be neat with the results, and first of all it is necessary to find out if there are no possible genetic deviations for the peculiarities of the heartbeat.
About the one hundred percent reliability of this method of determining the child's sexuality. The highest productive, according to doctors, is the method of ultrasound diagnostics, but even it cannot guarantee a hundred%. Experienced gynecologists say that, only having sufficient experience and good intuition can be trusted with ultrasound when determining the floor of the future child. During the diagnostics, the specialist not only fixes the rhythm of the heart, but also compares it with the following data:
- current period of gestation;
- Rhythm ratio and heart rate;
- Comparison of the data obtained with the work of the heart of a pregnant woman.
As follows from the foregoing, the doctor uses not only the result of an ultrasound survey, but also a general analysis. Find out how reliable the result of the definition of the sex of the child in heartbeat can be in the later dates, starting from the 6th month of pregnancy. Then compare all the indicators, and after delivery it will be possible to compare faithful and incorrect forecasts. True, it is unlikely that anyone will be engaged, because it is already from the field of sociological research.
Reliability of the method
On the truthfulness of this method of determining the sexuality of the child, everyone speaks differently. For some pregnant women, this method has become key and correct, and others fully refute such diagnostics. Official medicine recognizes only ultrasound as the easiest and most informative way to help see not only a boy or a girl, but also in a timely manner to diagnose possible deviations in the development, which heartbeat can speak. However, ultrasound has an error.
The most accurate result can only be given a laboratory study of an anamniotic fluid or a particle of the placenta. According to doctors, the heartbeat directly depends on the term of pregnancy, the position of the body of the future mother, the state of the fetus at the moment when listening. Violations in the development of the heart also affect the nature of his work. Despite this, many experienced obstets and gynecologists can draw their conclusions on the results of the audition.
In view of many nuances that can influence the heart rhythm of the child, the diagnosis of sexuality of heartbeat is only an unproved myth with a minimum probability. In antiquity, people used various signs and guesses for this. Some did it, looking at the shape of the belly of pregnant, and others found out, in which direction moves over the stomach Wedding ring on a thread.
It is possible to determine the gender of the baby in the frequency of the beating of his heart, but today it is only a method of assumption that is not related to constructive diagnosis.