On the manifestation of the initial stage of the liver cirrhosis indicates only a certain increase in abdomen in volume. Bleeding from varicose extended veins of the esophagus, changes from speech and consciousness talk about the progression of the disease and the emergence of complications. In the article about it.
The classification of the stages of the liver cirrhosis was carried out in several directions and is determined by the long and slow flow of the disease, when several stages can be distinguished.
- Preclinical stage at which damage to small capillaries.
- The stage of clinical manifestations is marked by some destructive processes in the liver.
- Stage of sharply pronounced clinical manifestations, this is the stage of formation of connective tissue instead of the dying cells of the liver, the appearance of signs of parenchyma necrosis.
- Stage of complications: the appearance of regeneration sites, foci of inflammation of various degrees of severity.
Feature of the initial stages of the liver cirrhosis — Compensation and subcompensation lies in the absence of the absence of symptoms of the disease when taking place the restructuring of the entire structure of the liver. The compensation stage is manifested by the absence of symptoms of the disease, while healthy hepatocytes are already functioning in reinforced mode. At the subcompensation stage, the first signs of the disease appear, the resources of healthy cells end and the liver works not in full force.
Detect hepatic pathology manages based on patient complaints. Most often we are talking about increased fatigue, noticeable weight loss without much reasons and reducing appetite, sleep impaired — Sleeping day and insomnia at night, frequent bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, reducing sexual attraction and the development of gynecomastia. Along with the magnification and sealing of the liver, splenomegaly marks — Increased spleen, stupid kidney pain, special weakness and fatigue after exercise. Disps appear, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tangible skin items due to accumulation in bile acid tissue, similar phenomena occur during primary liver cirrhosis. There is significant weight loss of patient and dry skin with numerous bumps from itching. Eye sclera and mucous membrane become yellow, the language acquires a bright pink color, the so-called «Lucky language». The occurrence of frequent bleeding in the patient is possible as a result of blood clotting disorders. At this stage, the portal hypertension syndrome is manifested — The most important sign of the cirrhosis, it is associated with an increase in pressure in the system of the portal vein.
Decompensation — An option of dangerous stage of the liver cirrhosis
The decompensation stage is characterized by a complete replacement of parenchyma with fibrous fabric and liver inability to perform their functions. Primary liver cirrhosis at the stage of decompensation can manifest itself:
- harsh weakness;
- intestinal disorder and frequent vomiting;
- weight loss;
- Atrophy of the muscles of the upper body and the intercostal region;
- Increase body temperature.
The last stage of the primary liver cirrhosis is characterized by the following complications.
Bleeding from varicose extended veins of the esophagus. It should be noted that dangerous and insidious is the lack of explicit signs of veins of veins, symptoms are completely unexpected for the patient and represent a clear threat to life.
- Hepatogenic ulcers in the stomach and the 12-risen intestine arise as a result of impaired intrahepatic blood flow.
- Characteristic feature of the decompensated stage of the liver cirrhosis — Tense ascites. Morphological restructuring in the structure of the liver and metabolic changes lead to the lifting and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which, in turn, can provoke respiratory failure and cause the cause of the patient's death.
- Infectious complication of cirrhosis can manifest a bacterial peritonite, urinary tract infection, pneumonia.
- Hepatic coma and encephalopathy proceed with impaired intellectual and mental activity, changing speech and complete loss of interest in life. Hepatic encephalopathy, like liver cancer, can cause fatal outcome.
This stagidation stage of the liver is considered a real threat to the patient's life, requires immediate treatment under the control of experts of gastroenterologists, therapists, surgeons. Healing cirrhosis of the liver at the last stage can not, but to prevent further development and ensure the normal quality of life can and need.