How to cheat insomnia


  • His Majesty Son
  • We establish the setting rules for sleep
  • Head – on North!
  • On some traditions of sleep

    His Majesty Son

  • Sleep is not only a physiological process of restoring forces, but also a state of relaxation, the doning opportunity to get into the arms of the winged god Morpheus and immerse themselves in pleasant dreams. Often, getting into the arms of the morpheus is not so easy – Many of us in restless and complete unrest and stresses of life, periodically or constantly suffer from insomnia.

    You can cope with insomnia by applying various tricks and small tricks, suitable for this and useful tips that we offer to your attention.

    We establish the setting rules for sleep

    Clean your teeth, put on pajamas, go to the toilet... It doesn't matter exactly what you will do – The idea is that every evening before bedtime you committed the same actions. When you start every evening to carry out the ritual of waste to sleep, then your subconscious will understand what these actions lead, and will leave you at night. This advice may not work the first time, and most likely it will not work, so you are taking care and continue to make this ritual.

    Bed is always for sleep ! Use the bedroom only for its direct destination. Do not work, do not eat and do not play in the video game in the bedroom. Your subconscious should associate a bedroom only with rest and sleep.

    How to cheat insomniaWalks in the open air . Regular walks will supply your body with oxygen sufficient to fall asleep. But do not do it directly before you go to bed, otherwise your body will be worked out.

    Do not take a phone in bed and let you even attend thoughts: check your email before bedtime or messages.

    Watch tv before bed or not – that is the question? Some sound of the TV leads to a peaceful dormant, and some on the contrary excites. Try one and another way, and answer yourself for yourself.

    Music before bed . Put the music before bedtime, it is clear that it's not a heavy rock or pop music. Music should be relaxing – Nature sounds, marine surf noise, forest sounds. These melodies are often used in yoga classes.

    Carry out the room . Hard to fall asleep at high temperatures. The optimal temperature for falling asleep from + 18c to + 24c.

    Food before bed . Before bed it is not recommended to eat, the last meal must be no longer the per hour before sleep. Food in no way should be abundant and contain a large amount of seasoning. Sharp dishes excite appetite, and do not give to naughty. Light sandwich, cookies or drink can be your dinner.

    Before bedtime, you should not drink tea, coffee or alcohol because of caffeine contained in them. At night it is best to drink floral or fruit teas.

    Still can't fall asleep? If you are already half an hour with the sides on the side, stand up, go around the apartment, look out the window or do something else for a few minutes to destroy the prolonged period not falling asleep.

    Reading a book sometimes makes people Sonline, but you need to choose books with a slight uncomplicated plot. Reading such a book can be interrupted on any line, and you do not have to spend all night without sleep, wanting to know what happened next.

    Relax . Do not look at the clock to check how much time you can not fall asleep. From this you are only more starting to be nervous, and it will be more difficult to fall asleep. Try to switch consciousness to anything else, not related to falling asleep and does not exciting your imagination.

    Head – on North!

    Try to sleep your head north . In this position, your body will be smoothly between the magnetic fields of the Earth. There is an opinion that it helps relaxation. Make a belly massage with circular motions in the direction of the clockwise direction. Try to breathe deeply. It will help you relax.

    If you are still not falling asleep, then check your mattress. Maybe on your mattress, a relaxed sleep is simply impossible! Think about his replacement.

    On some traditions of sleep

    In the Jewish tradition, too, there are recommendations, for example, it is strictly forbidden to sleep on the back, still ancient rabbis, and not without reason, it was believed that it causes sexual dreams and excites, it is best to fall asleep on the left side, but waking up – on the right. And still Torah teaches that when a person goes to bed, he should think that he is not only going to enjoy or just relax, but what does it intends to achieve bodily health and spiritual cleansing.

    From the first time with all the advice, you will not use and all the technicians will not master. Soviets are enough, we hope that some of them will help you, and you will fall into the desired embrace of Morpheus, pleasant dreams to you!

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