Fatic hepatosis of the liver


Fatic hepatosis of the liver
Hepatosis — This is a chronic disease in which
There is a rebirth of hepatocytes (liver functional cells) into fat
the cloth. The risk group includes first of all people suffering from obesity and
Alcoholism. The disease is curable, if revealed at the first stages of their

Hepatosis is a dystrophic disease
Liver, which is due to abnormal accumulation inside liver cells
Lipids (steatosis). In the early stages of the disease, the process of degradation of cells
Liver fraud. With timely identification of reasons and eliminate them stop
Pathological deposition of fat in the liver.

Mechanism and causes of development

Under steatosis, accumulating inside the liver cells
Large vacuoles triglycerin (neutral fats). Morphological criterion
Diseases is the content in the liver triglycerin more than 10% of the dry mass
(detected during liver biopsy).

Provoking factors

Disease can provoke a number of factors. Among them:

  • overweight, overeating;
  • excessively rapid weight loss, long
  • alcohol and drugs;
  • toxins;
  • medications — Antibiotics
    tetracycline row, hormonal drugs and some others;
  • Metabolic factors (in pregnant women, for example).

At-risk groups

The most important reason is obesity in which
Violates metabolism in the body. Second place occupies alcoholism. Alcohol
converted to the liver into acetate — relatively safe substance provided
High quality alcoholic beverage and moderate use. A bunch of
Modern alcoholic beverages contains poisonous substances that liver
recycle not able to. The impaired carbohydrate balance can also lead
Unbalanced vegetarian diet.

People of bad professions also fall into the risk group:
Builders, Malariers, Metallurgists, Chemists, etc. All protective barriers are capable
delay the harmful substances only partially, but some of them still penetrates
organism. Risk earning hepatosis liver and those who prefer to eat in
«McDonalds» and other similar institutions. Fast food food contains a large number
painting, aromatic, taste and other synthetic additives that
cause liver and pancreas overload. Many fatfud products
the same are made of genetically modified raw materials. Harmful for
the body is also fresh baking, which is easily absorbed, but can break
metabolism and cause obesity. The development of hepatosis contributes to a low-modular
Lifestyle, causing stagnation of liquids in all organs. Any stagnation causes
Process of rotting — The development of pathogenic microflora, which poisons liver.

The course of the disease

Fatic hepatosis of the liver
In the first stages, the disease proceeds painlessly, not
There are no symptoms and doctors usually do not beat the alarm. As degradation
Liver arise problems with other bodies, functionally connected with it.
This leads to a worsening of the blood supply to the liver and an increase in the number of toxins,
entering it from the intestine. When the process of degradation of all
the body, it is important to prevent the oncomingness of the irreversible stage.


The symptoms arising from the development of the disease can be divided into
Primary and secondary. The primary problems include nausea, nicking stupid
Pain or gravity in epigastrics (under the spoon) and right hypochondrium. Secondary
Symptoms are increased fatigue, impairment, apathy,
Hair loss, rash on the skin and, possibly, early gray.


Distinguish 4 degrees of liver dystrophy:

  1. Zero degree — Capture with drops of separate
    groups of hepatic cells.
  2. I degree — The focal moderate is manifested
    pronounced medium and large-scale obesity.
  3. II degree — Moderately pronounced diffuse
    intracellular obesity, finely, medium and large-scale.
  4. III degree — pronounced large-scale
    Diffuse obesity, accompanied by extracellular obesity and education
    Fat cyst.

Diagnosis and treatment

Since at first stages the disease proceeds asymptomatic,
It may be accidentally discovered when ultrasound liver. For the disease, often
There is an increase in the level of hepatic enzymes and in 20-50% of patients -
Increased ferritin. Precise data can give biopsy.

Treatment begins with elimination of causes that caused development
Diseases. Therapy includes medicinal preparations that promote
Strengthening cell membranes and increase their resistance to toxins
and pathological microorganisms. At the same time assigned tools,
Stimulating regeneration process. Patient is assigned a strict diet,
excluding fat, sweet, salt and smoked dishes. With acute form
The disease occurs when the patient's life is posed, shown
surgical intervention.

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